
Hey everyone~
I'm Lady Tainted, and i'm afraid I can't tell you my real name otherwise -checks around to see if anyone is watching- the fairies might come and eat you in your sleep : o Scary, right? So you can just cool me Tainted, that is, if you havent already run away, due to thinking i'm insane. Secondly, I'll talk to pretty much anyone if you want to, just send me a private message or leave a comment on the profile, however, monolouges are a little boring so you have to contribute just a little.

Back to topic, i'm human, and i'm looking for friends, or easy prey for talking to, your choice on how you wish to percieve it. Personally, I like the second option. I don't like sports, well to be honest, I hate sports, I love manga, anime, reading and watching shows, especially comedy and phychological, don't you just love them, how they mess with your head? Back to topic... (did I ever have one?) anywho, I live in a house, for those of you who are wondering, and i'm back, after not playing for how many months... but i'm back, so don't worry, you're allowed to be paranoid once again ^_^~!


Viewing 12 of 16 friends


Viewing 10 of 15 comments.

Shauna of the Dead

Report | 08/01/2012 12:59 pm

Shauna of the Dead

Hi! Thanks for buying! ^W^
Severed Lollipop

Report | 10/15/2010 6:19 am

Severed Lollipop

Hello There

Report | 10/15/2010 2:51 am


smile Thanks for the purchase.

Report | 09/19/2009 10:06 pm


thx for buying.... ^^
Linwe Lossehelin

Report | 09/05/2009 7:05 pm

Linwe Lossehelin

Okay..I figured out why it cost so much. I took off the..what was it. Arula? or something. The top. Arula doll, something along those lines, that cost over 1 mil alone and replaced it with a top from dark halo which is only 100k ish, so that took down the price a lot and still looks cool. =D
Linwe Lossehelin

Report | 09/05/2009 6:26 pm

Linwe Lossehelin

Thanks!! ^-^ Any help at all is welcome. I appreciate it -SO- much! Thank you!!
Linwe Lossehelin

Report | 09/05/2009 4:27 pm

Linwe Lossehelin

That's awesome! Thank you! I'll figure it out and send it to you to see. =D
Linwe Lossehelin

Report | 09/05/2009 8:47 am

Linwe Lossehelin

I'd PM you, but my computer doesn't want to load right. I'm the girl asking for donations for my dream avi, btw! =3 You don't need to send a lot. Anything is appreciated. Whether it me 100k or more to 50g, ya know? Thank you. ^-^
99 gc

Report | 08/01/2009 6:43 pm

99 gc

no problem :3

Report | 02/24/2009 4:43 pm


aawwww.R u sure ya sent it to me? I dont believe i recieved it. It's all good tho. And yesh were friends so i guess thats settled. lol Oh BTW I feel orange today loud and messy like fingerpaint!!!


Unfortunately, my imagination died with last period's math, so untill I stock up on sugar, this signiture shall be lifeless.