

*absolute silence*

Kyou, gimme the mic.

*steals mic away*

Sorry, folks... ^^; Kyou Azura is not known for starting conversations... She hardly starts topics in the forums, in case you didn't know, which you probably didn't.

Kyou: *silence*

In FACT, she's so notorious for not starting conversations that when most people first meet her, they think she's mute!

Kyou: *silence*

Most people annoy her, too.

Kyou: *silence*

Kyou HAS no attributes, only defects. ^_^ Most of the time, she looks like she's a combination of angry/bored/irked/calm. She finds MANY people to be annoying. She hardly laughs. Or smiles.

Kyou: *nods*


Kyou: *nods*

Or, at least, we'd all like to think that.

Kyou: 0_o

She really wants you to think that she's all emotionless and can't feel the annoying and hurtful pains of sadness or fear or worry. Deep down, she really wants to find that special someone to spend the rest of her life with. But for years, she's been disappointed with one man after another because they all told her that they loved her, at some point of their relationship, and left anyway... For all their reasons... They either couldn't deal with her 'coldness', her being distant, or they just never really loved her in the first place. She's never broken up a relationship, it's always had to be the guy to do it. After break-ups, she's cried for weeks... Wanted to die... Deep down, Kyou is really a big softie.

Kyou: No one will ever believe what you say.

HA! I got you to say a sentence!

Kyou: ... *glare*

I win!


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Report | 05/23/2006 12:11 pm


WHo the hell is this?


LAWL just kidding! hey, kam. nice to see you out and about...


On the lookout for shoes.

And many thanks to Chitlet who gave me the spiffy bunny ears. whee