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Cassie Eats Cockroaches's avatar

Report | 07/20/2009 1:55 pm

Cassie Eats Cockroaches

At first, I was going to laugh about how you are getting Jensen's cast offs when it comes to stalkers (ya know, can't get close to him, so they go for the look-a-like) but now I think I have one now and she won't leave me alone.... b***h part is, I used to live with her and now she is messaging me again here.... So gimme some advice! How do I slough the psycho off? Do you use sticks?

Demon eyes would make the photos more realistic. Or, you could get your Sam a pair of yellow contacts so when you go out and about people will really starting wondering if Sam and Dean are real! As for the Dethklok pic, it's on your MySpace page silly! XD Oh god, if you send them your pics, you have a bigger pair then I do! Every time I try sending emails and stuff to famous people, I end up feeling like a tool. Twenty seconds after sending an email to Bruce Campbell's fan site, I was clawing at the computer to give me the email back! It's even worse when I go to the con's because after every signing, I walk away feeling like an idiot! So if you have no qualms about that and the s**t is ******** awesome-o, then more power to ya. Lick them stamps and send that s**t forward!

Holy s**t, you play(ed) Exalted?! I didn't think it was a really popular game. That's awesome. s**t, you'd love this D&D game. I've been playing with the same group for five years and they've been playing for over ten. We just started up with new characters cause after four years, it's like 'meh, been there done that' but our DM is the s**t. She's got two degrees in film and English and worked out at the Warner Bros. studio, so when she runs a campaign, she runs a campaign. The NPC's are fully fleshed out and not two dimensional, she doesn't herd the storyline in one direction, so the freedom is exhilarating. Best storyteller I've ever had and I've had a few. If you even find someone like that out there, chain yourself to them because they are rare!

Well, this straight girl won't propose, but I do want to make a new signature with shout outs to my friends (the basic 'handles on a piece of paper' I am holding up) and I figured I'd ask your permission before I slander you mercilessly. XD I'm a little bitter towards the gay community right now after my friend (the one I mentioned before) cockblocked me on his birthday Friday. We went out barhopping (straight and gay bars) and I found this hot doctor sitting outside one of the clubs adjacent to the hospital. He was smoking since you can no longer smoke on hospital property and we were hitting it off.... Then his fantastic flaminess comes bounding out of the bar, grabs my hands and says we got to go, dragging me away from a hottie doctor..... b***h. But then we got so drunk that it didn't matter anymore, at least until the next day.

LOL, you know, when I think of Das Boot, I don't think of Jurgen Prochnow, I think of Beerfest. So if you go around kicking people and screaming Das Boot, you have to do it in that weird German voice! Like Cheney on Robot Chicken! 'Go ******** yourself! Go ******** yourself! Go ******** yourself'! And Dean Alexander doesn't sound pretentious, it sounds.... okay, maybe a little pretentious, especially if you have an English accent but since I'm assuming you don't, so you can pass it off as regal. 'I am Dean Alexander, celebrity impersonator extraordinaire!'
Cassie Eats Cockroaches's avatar

Report | 07/14/2009 1:05 pm

Cassie Eats Cockroaches

Am I stalking you... cause that'd be super! XD

No, it's good ol' power of deduction and ingenuity! Elementary, my dear Watson. And the pic made me giggle like crazy! That's some good '90's freeze frame/jump through the air/guns a blazin' stuff you got going on there! Love that Toki and Nathan drawing too!

A fetish shop? Like a Retail Slut or Pleasure Chest? Didn't know they actually had whole stores dedicated to whole fetishes.... Our chain stores carry some stuff but it stops at your basic S&M started kit. Sweet deal. Just keep applying, get to know the staff and eventually a spot will open up.

Hey man, people do weirder things than scheduling their life around a show. I do that with my D&D game. Saturday nights are off limits when it comes to the work schedule, so don't feel bad. We all do it!

Guh, you have a Sam and a Bones?! All rolled up into one?! *seethes* I bet you make all the straight girls cry.... Luckily, my con experience has kept me away from the weirder aspects of fandom. I have yet to see a cosplayer make someone cry. Don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I mean, everyone loves a small amount of cheese every now and then, like in Stargate: Atlantis, when the doctors girlfriend brain swapped with the cranky physicist. We all knew the kiss was coming and we loved it, even though it's considered a serious sci-fi program. And you can not look back at TNG and Voyager and cringe at the cheese factor! I caught an episode on Spike and couldn't believe I watched it as a kid and loved it! I still love the show but still.... And watching the cast pull the Picard Maneuver the whole episode is painful. In a good way.

If you change your name to Dean, your middle name has to be some kind of pie! I totally ship Dean/pie! Secret Agent Dean Meringue 'Insert Surname Here'!
Cassie Eats Cockroaches's avatar

Report | 07/13/2009 10:47 pm

Cassie Eats Cockroaches

Nope, no niche needed.... I took myself off the market four years ago. It's amazing how you can fuel other things with unused sexual energy. Got back into writing, blew my old Guitar Hero scores out of the water and massacred a mosh pit. Good times.

And don't worry... from one 'not a voyeur' to another, I can keep a secret! It comes from working in a porn store I guess... eight hours of watching people do it can change something like that.

I've never heard of OOPMH. Are they like Rammstein and E Nomine? Or more pop/techno? *searches the interwebs* Suckage on the watching though. Nothing beats crowding around the boob tube for an hour of smexy goodness. Chuck works nights, so I record it and we watch it afterwords. Which can suck, cause when 'The Rapture' aired, I was on pins and needles the whole night! But who knows how the future works, you could luck out and get some face time this upcoming season! *fingers crossed*

It's not the incest thing per se, but in my melon, the pairing doesn't work. I just can't see it. Take Star Trek for instance. I didn't come out of the theater either time shipping Kirk/Spock, I came out with inclinations towards Kirk/Bones. That ship kicked my writers block in the balls with a vengeance! But I don't know what category you could lump me into. I grew up with TNG and Voyager, not TOS. It was just too camp for me. I can only stomach the TOS movies anymore, though not the Motion Picture, or as I call it 'Starfleet Has A Pajama Party'. XD

Speaking of Secret Agent Dean, I friend requested you on myspace because I can't see the pic unless I'm a friend. biggrin *needs to see this* And yeah, Adrian's a good name, goth or not. But it depends on whether or not some douchenozzle pulls some Rocky Balboa s**t on you...
Cassie Eats Cockroaches's avatar

Report | 07/13/2009 9:45 pm

Cassie Eats Cockroaches

Yeah, Chicago is nice, though the interstate is for s**t. The best roadways I have ever seen were in Phoenix. Of course, they'd just dumped 10 mil on rebuilding the cities infrastructure, so I'm not sure of that counts. And don't even get me started on the Clover.... I hate Ohio as much as the next Ohioan so the only other place I could see living is abroad or Arizona. Japan is nice but Australia or New Zealand seems better. Despite the fact that Australia has a giant 'no fat chicks' sticker on it.....

But I thought the tit thing was a common thing for all gay men. I did real girl drag for a while and my friend (the one I mentioned) spent an hour getting my chest to look 'just right'. ********, he'll reach for a handful if they look lopsided to him! Which is really awkward when you're waiting in line at a McDonald's. o.O So he was basically a good looking a*****e casserole with the love 'em and leave 'em/string 'em along mentality? Who neglected to mention his sexual tendencies until he was driving off with the b***h? Never give up hope though.... I'm told by less than reputable sources that there's someone out there for everyone. *is jaded*

Maybe that's why I thought you were German. Didn't you have a signature with some German in it? My dad was stationed in Germany on the Wall back in the 80's and he taught me some but s**t, no one else I know speaks it, so it's gone the way of the dodo.

Your Sam and John and your Cas *is jealous you have a Cas* trumps my Chuck. He's cool though, the whitest black guy you will ever meet and the biggest SPN nerd I have ever met. I can't wait for our Supernatural nights to start back up again because I haven't seen him since the finale.... well, two weeks after when he had to pick up my Vicodin script when I couldn't even ooze off the couch to get it myself.

..... it's not Dean/Sam is it? That s**t squicks me so bad. Which is why I love the introduction of Cas because there is a livejournal comm that is the s**t and gave me the much needed SPN slash that I'd been craving for four years. Though my current fandom is the Star Trek reboot. Takes my love of Trek and gives it a cast actually worth drooling over.

And don't feel bad, I got a pic on my myspace of me doing Sam's demon killing face! Just proves the geekiness runs deep in you, retarded or not! And if you join the government, you can really be Secret Agent Dean! XD
Cassie Eats Cockroaches's avatar

Report | 07/13/2009 8:19 pm

Cassie Eats Cockroaches

Lucky b*****d! My brother tries to be a tattoo artist but when you apprentice in the clink, the skillz ain't all that. Be glad you have a bro who can tattoo and will do so for free. *glowers*

Holy s**t, I lol'd so hard at this: Apparently he wasn't as faggy as he thought he was. He should meet my friend! I once asked him if he worried about becoming so gay that he might catch on fire! He'd school him right! It's even worse now that he's getting married.... I have never ascribed to the feminine side of life (i was once accused of being a butch gay dude trapped inside a chicks body) and going with him to look for cakes and floral designs makes me so glad I made that decision. Thank god he realizes that and is letting me best man his a** in pants. Screw your ex though, I say. If he's going to cheat, at least let it be with another man instead of straddling both sides of the fence. If he's bi, cool, if he said so when you guys were dating but not during.

And I don't know why but I always assumed you were from Germany.... weird. But I'm guessing you reside in California. Guh... I've been there and it was not pleasant, so must have bigger testes than I. That is so crazy you have a Sam that says that because I have a Prophet Chuck that is getting pissy with me because I want to go to Arizona next year for school. Are you majoring in just Japanese? Cause the CIA is recruiting people fluent in two or more languages. It'd be a cake job. Government check, sweet bennies and all you do is sit on your duff and translate stuff.
Cassie Eats Cockroaches's avatar

Report | 07/13/2009 7:18 pm

Cassie Eats Cockroaches

You have to be smart about your tats.... I got four and regret two so know where you want it and what you will be happy with in the future.

And lemme guess, the same thing that always happens when dating car guys... Too into cars and not much into the relationship? That's an average assumption but you know what they say when you assume! biggrin

As a military brat, I can say motor pool isn't that bad a position when it comes to enlisting. It's in between the MP's, like cops but with way more douchbaggery involved but not as cool as E.O.D. I tried to get into the Air Force under that but alas, that didn't happen, which is a good thing I guess cause otherwise, I'd be in Afgafistan speaking a burka-burka language and getting my a** blown off trying to defuse bombs! Still, languages is a great route. If you don't want to take the military track, Bowling Green State University has a great foreign language department (looked into it myself once) and is a decent traditional college.
Cassie Eats Cockroaches's avatar

Report | 07/13/2009 4:36 pm

Cassie Eats Cockroaches

XII wasn't that bad.... I only got to play a small portion but the updates to the battles were nifty, though I still prefer turn based games. Don't feel bad about the latency thing with FF cause soon (hopefully far off in the future) Supernatural might go that way, except for the dedicated few. I mean, I still quote from Buffy and that's been off the air for six years! XD

See, that's why it's always good to befriend a gearhead! We had to replace my friends ignition just the other day because he had no clue how to do it but it got done for free (minus the cost of the ignition) cause of us and he avoided having to take it to a shop.
Cassie Eats Cockroaches's avatar

Report | 07/13/2009 12:30 pm

Cassie Eats Cockroaches

I like Final Fantasy (Seven and Tactics only) but not as obsessed with it as Supernatural and Dethklok. Damn skippy I will be at Best Buy to pick up the new Dethalbum when it comes out in September.

But if you pick up that Biscayne, guaranteed it will get worse! Truth be told, I'd take a busted out car for cheaper and fix it up meself. It's one perk of growing up in a family of guys. You could probably find a cheap Impala or Biscayne with a good engine (Chevy's have great engines when they're taken care of) and drop less on repairs than you would buying a cherry car. Then, you can gloat in the face of your friends as you drive past! biggrin
Cassie Eats Cockroaches's avatar

Report | 07/12/2009 5:00 pm

Cassie Eats Cockroaches


Along with Final Fantasy and immaturity (hating it, I mean)! I've clicked on your profile I few times but could never think of a conversation starter....
animeaddict_jt's avatar

Report | 06/09/2009 7:25 pm


k. ill just talk to you.. what are you doing now? do u watch korean and taiwanese dramas? or j-horror movies?
animeaddict_jt's avatar

Report | 05/31/2009 9:41 pm


What thing you mostly do, kuro pyon?
animeaddict_jt's avatar

Report | 05/31/2009 8:50 pm


the truth is I'm still 13 going to be 14.
Cancer Dancer's avatar

Report | 04/21/2009 3:22 pm

Cancer Dancer


mine was the exact same.

Cancer Dancer's avatar

Report | 04/21/2009 3:16 pm

Cancer Dancer


How was your day?
Cancer Dancer's avatar

Report | 04/21/2009 3:12 pm

Cancer Dancer

yeahh haha.

The rest of houston was stonned off there asses.

But not my school haha.
Cancer Dancer's avatar

Report | 04/21/2009 3:10 pm

Cancer Dancer

Houston Grade 10.

I go to a school for smart people though.

So they are all like super neardy haha.
Cancer Dancer's avatar

Report | 04/21/2009 3:06 pm

Cancer Dancer


the kids at my school like didn't even know about 420.

Cancer Dancer's avatar

Report | 04/21/2009 2:57 pm

Cancer Dancer

That sounds fun.

Mine is about HITLA!

Cancer Dancer's avatar

Report | 04/21/2009 2:55 pm

Cancer Dancer

thinking about doing homework.


i hate writing essays.
Cancer Dancer's avatar

Report | 04/21/2009 2:52 pm

Cancer Dancer

How are you?

Sorry im really bored and you seem cool.
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