
Depression is How I Cope With the absence of yout heartbeat next to mine, The loss of your careing touch agenst my tear staned face.
The Bridge looks so far Away yet so close at the same time....
Fearing the Icy froth Cold...of the Rageing river Below.....
My dear I'm Lost, And the Life of a child is Lost, so Hold my Hand Tight...
Or else I take Flight, and lose my Ever Trembleing grip on life,
As I Fall off the Bridge HeartBreack, back into the Watery depths of your Eyes.



koraga's Journal

well I'm always looking for new friends, being a kitsune i'm friendly by nature. i love the water, and i like animals too. I do NOT cheet on my Boyfriend, but if he continues to ignore me i will leave him, Kitsunes need atention and love. I'm alway



im alpha female in the bluemoon wolf pack. and heir to the Atlantian thrown.