
What's to say? I'm 6'1 with brown hair, I have heterochromia (different colored eyes, in my case brown and blue), I love art, anime, videogames, music, and a good conversation, not to mention my family (As insane as they are, lol). I aspire to do something big with my art, whether it be comics or tattooing. All in all, I'm an average guy I guess. I Also smoke... a lot.

Age-23 (July 31)
Bloodtype- O Negative
Sign- Leo (Greco-Roman Zodiac), Hare (Buddhist Zodiac)
Height- 6' 1"
Hair Color- Brown Hair, Blonde Mustache, Red Goatee
Eye Color- (L) Brown (R) Blue


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Kobayashi Riku

MY life and what its about (the ups, the downs, the deals and the blacklist) Everything from the corrupt mind of Manga-ka, Kobayashi Riku



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I do commissions
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