Kleopatra Selene

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Gender: Female

Birthday: 06/08

My Songs

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~Reasons Why We Love The Titanic~

Because he knew how the world worked, but he wasn't giving up on her.
Because he was too involved now.
Because if she jumped, so would he.
Because he took her to a real party.
Because she was the most amazing, astounding girl... woman he'd ever met.
Because he could see past her facade and into her heart.
Because he loved the fire in her.
Because he made her want to live.
Because he saved her in every way a woman could be saved.
Because now, he only exists in her memories.
Because they reunited in the end.
Because she would never let go.
Because all he ever wanted for her was to be happy.
Because she took his last name.
Because she had never told anyone about him, not even her husband.
Because he made her live her life to the fullest.
Because she did all the things they said they'd do together.
Because her heart had wings but it never forgot its roots.
Because winning that ticket was the best thing that had ever happened to him because there he met her.
Because she figured out he didn't steal the necklace on her own.
Because he'd take her to the stars if he could.
Because she thought his art was amazing.
Because he taught her how to spit like a man.
Because his gift was to see people, and he could see her.
Because when the ship docked, she'd leave with him.
Because money didn't matter when it came to Jack.
Because he made her fly.
Because she changed her mind.
Because he'd give her the world if she asked him to.
Because she seemed more like an indoors kind of girl.
Because she knew what ice fishing was.
Because she was shipped to the wrong address.
Because she'd wish for something she could never have (Jack).
Because she got what she thought she could never have.
Because she had a really nice time.
Because they belonged together, and they ended together


I'm a very bookwormish person. I basically love all books. I love historical fiction, fantasy, science fiction, realistic fiction, folktales, poetry, and the type of books that includes Dan Brown's works.
The one type of book that I don't like is romance. Don't get me wrong, romance is fine, but sometimes it's just plain boring. I'm not the person who wants to read a book about people falling in love in about ten seconds, arguing or misunderstanding something, and then making up at the very end with a kiss.
That's just so cliche to me.
Now, I'll watch those movies in a minute, but the book? No. Book is dedication. Some part of that book will remain imprinted in your brain, but movies? I can forget them in about twenty minutes. I don't take my novel choices lightly.
I'm writing my own books now. I've started on a fantasy tale about love and death, betrayal and passion, magic and war. I'm trying to make it a mix of everything while still making it easily understandable and still good. I don't want a suckish first book. I'm just trying to look for a good publisher about now, because it's nearly done.
Well, I'd best get back to Chapter 15 of writing my book. Almost done with the chapter; I've only got a few left. Love you faithful profile-visiters!


"If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything." --The Wise Man, "Suckerpunch"

"Writing is a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia." --E.L Doctorow

"You must stay drunk on writing so reality does not destroy you." --Ray Bradbury

"The worst enemy to creativity is self doubt." --Sylvia Plath

"A good novel tells us the truth about its hero; a bad novel tells us the truth about its author." --G.K. Chesterton

"Confess to yourself you would have to die if you were forbidden to write." --Rainer Marie Rillke

"Write your first draft with your heart. Re-write with your head." --"Finding Forrester"

"Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be killed." --G.K. Chesterson

"You talk to God, you're religious. God talks to you, you're psychotic."
--Gregory House, House M.D.

“Two things are infinite: human stupidity and the universe. And I’m not so sure about the universe.”
--Albert Einstein, Scientist/Inventor

“Nos laetus epulor qui would domito nos. ‘We gladly feast on those who would subdue us.’ Not just pretty words.”
--Morticia, "The Adams Family Movie"

“Mother, Mother Ocean…I have heard your call.”
--Jimmy Buffet, "Son of A Son of A Sailor"

“Wasted away again in Margaritaville.”
--Jimmy Buffet, "Margaritaville"

“If we weren’t all crazy we would go insane.”
--Jimmy Buffet, "Changes in Latitudes"

“Life is not measured by how many breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”

“In life, shoot for the moon. If you miss, you’ll still land in the stars.”

A Description of My Torture and Suffering

Hello. Kleopatra Selene here, loud and clear. Considering I'm typing, there's a little bit of personal ironic humor. But then, most people don't get my jokes. Ah, well. I usually don't get my own jokes.
I enjoy reading, writing poetry/short stories/books, swimming, singing, getting on YouTube, making short videos, and making-fun-of/usually-loving old movie with horrible effects but decent plots and amazing actors/actresses.
Jeez. That sounded like I was getting on Match.com or something. Basically, I'm an atheist, I hate people who are religious to the extreme (always trying to make me "convert"; but I have nothing against regular religious people, they're actually quite fun to be around, just as much fun as anyone), I dislike morning people (night owl, present!), and I enjoy philosophical books that confront and dissect topics most people would like to avoid (aka suicide, Lola-ish books, murder, etc.). My favorite book genre is actually historical fiction, but I'll take a mystery anyday.
I love movies. Old movies. Terrible-effects movie. Indiana Jones. The Mummy, which actually had pretty great effects. The Adventures of Young Sherlock Holmes. Anything involving Mel Brooks. Kevin Costner 3-hr-long movies. All the jazz.
Well, I'm pretty sure I don't sound like a Match.com survey. Even if I do, and you think badly of it, well, I'll say screw you. I'm not afraid of getting my hands or my mouth dirty.
Also, I love violence. Violent songs, violent movies (aka sucker punches and gaping sword wounds are my thing). I'm okay with romance movies (such as Shakespeare in Love) but they also have to be comedic, and I abhor romance books. Spare me the agonizing sex scenes--unless somebody gets stabbed, I'm not reading the book. And spare me the cliches: girl & guy hook up, something parts them such as a dirty little secret, they forgive the other & make up, book ends. SPARE ME!
I'm not a very likable person. So...like me if you will, but believe me, you might be one of very few.

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Kleopatra Selene's Poetry, Journal, and Stories

I enjoy writing poetry, short stories, and journal entries. I often put my short stories into chapter form, one chapter per entry, so if there's a brief interruption, you'll know. Hope you enjoy!

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It's funny how someone Can break your heart And you still love them With all the little pieces.

Somewhere in a roadside hotel room Alone in the silence she wakes up too soon And reaches for his arm But she'll just keep reachin' on For the cold hard truth revealed what it had known Cuz that boy's just a walkaway Joe Born to be a leaver Tell you from the word go, destined to deceive her He's the wrong kind of paradise But it was just another lesson in life That boy was a walkaway Joe.

A Black Rose For Your Black Heart That Beats No More.

A Black Rose For Your Black Heart That Beats No More.

The Greatest Couples Of All Time

I'm So Tired of the Torture That I Don't Want To See Anymore.

I'm an atheist. Deal with it.

Igor: You know, I'll never forget my old dad. When these things happened to him, the things he'd say to me... Dr. Frankenstein: What would he say? Igor: "What the hell are you doing in the bathroom day and night!? Why don't you get out of there, give someone else a chance!"

From that fateful day when stinking bits of slime first crawled from the sea and shouted to the cold stars, "I am man!," our greatest dread has always been the knowledge of our mortality. But tonight, we shall hurl the gauntlet of science into the frightful face of death itself. Tonight, we shall ascend into the heavens. We shall mock the earthquake. We shall command the thunders, and penetrate into the very womb of impervious nature herself.

Inigo Montoya: True love! You heard him! You could not ask for a more noble cause than that. Miracle Max: Sonny, true love is the greatest thing in the world. Except for a nice MLT: a mutton, lettuce and tomato sandwich, where the mutton is nice and lean and the tomato is ripe. They're so perky, I love that.

Miracle Max: See, there's a big difference between mostly dead, and all dead. Now, mostly dead: he's slightly alive. All dead: well, with all dead, there's usually only one thing that you can do. Inigo: What's that? Miracle Max: Go through his clothes and look for loose change.

The Princess Bride Scaling the Cliffs of Insanity, Battling Rodents of Unusual Size, Facing torture in the Pit of Despair. - True love has never been a snap. It's as real as the feelings you feel Heroes. Giants. Villains. Wizards. True Love. - Not just your basic, average, everyday, ordinary, run-of-the-mill, ho-hum fairy tale. She gets kidnapped. He gets killed. But it all ends up okay.

Before Romeo and Juliet, there was Tristan Isolde.

My face in thine eye, thine in mine appears, And true plain hearts do in the faces rest ; Where can we find two better hemispheres Without sharp north, without declining west ? Whatever dies, was not mix'd equally ; If our two loves be one, or thou and I Love so alike that none can slacken, none can die.

Tristan Isolde

The Sorcerer's Apprentice

Prince of Persia

--"The Good-Morrow" John Donne

Some Kind of Wonderful

Hearts starve as well as bodies; give us bread, but give us roses. — James Oppenheim, "Bread and Roses"

"I'm so tired of being here...suppressed by all my childish fears...and if you have to leave, I wish that you would just leave. 'Cause your presence still lingers here, and it won't leave me alone." --Evanescence, "My Immortal"

Sometimes I just want to forget. Memories haunt, whilst words vanish on the wind--as do promises of love.
--Kleopatra Selene