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I am currently 5'1" 4laugh Finally!
I am 16, brown hair brown eyes and I weigh about 105....
I love to listen to music (prefferd Panic!At The Disco heart ), I really enjoy country, rock, and alternative , I also like to read, draw, and ride horses. I'm not very spirted about the government, but really, who is? I do love being in America, and living in my wonderful state of Tennessee! heart I just currently got out of a relationship with a dickhead from hell, and I am so glad I did, because now I'm single, and having the time of my life because I can party all I want to! I like to drink, but I rarely get drunk, its dangerous and can make you do things you don't even know about untill your friends tell you the next day! But that doesn't deny me of doing so every once in awhile, because I love to have fun!I use to be a computer junky and get on Gaia all the time, so please don't call me a noob! One of my old Gaian names was "[Kayla]" incause you would like to go make sure! I'm always up for making friends because I love meeting people, weither I like them or not! Its always fun to see what I think! lol! So if you'd like to start talking or want to add me to your list thats fine with me, but please don't add me unless your actually going to say something to me! lol

Hope ta see ya round!



I write sins not tradgeies

I'm the narrator and this isjust the prolouge



Viewing 2 of 2 comments.

Rikku de Lioncourt

Report | 06/23/2006 3:16 am

Rikku de Lioncourt

Heeeey ^_^; I remember you. And say 'hi' to Britney for me <3
kitten turtlenecks

Report | 06/22/2006 11:27 pm

kitten turtlenecks
