Im on varsity football and jv wrestling i had a gf about a month ago and i still love her i just thought she loved me back I dont see if she did than whay the out of the blue when I did nothing she dump me and go off and make out and do stuff whith some one the next day i mean god you would think if some one "loved you" evean if they did break up with you they would ant leas wait or be sad insted of just going of with other people and yha I tried dating but it just wasent the same and its like all of s sudden all my frinds are geting together while i sit alone lising to all ther bullshit storys of how in love they are but in reallty there is really no love you see love is just a ******** way got whants to ******** with you and now im noting how mutch life sucks now theat im no longer waiting till sunday to see her i just got to football i lifting and go home eat play video games and baby sit and the crazy thing is me and my x hooked my best friend and her best frindup and than all he ever talks about is her so all i can think of when he talks about his gf is my x because well how can you not god the the ******** is going on s**t i have notingh to look forword to exapet maby seeing the a** she cheated on me with and a punk show and god that will be the best ******** mosh pit in the world will bye i gusss sory for the rant
koa #62
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