Welcome to my profile
4laugh Glad to know someone actually decided to take a look here
sweatdrop you see, not many people visit since I don't exactly stand out.
If you're friends with me then you must know I talk a lot, and well the other day, blah blah blah
gonk ...
If you're bored one day and want a few laughs ... check out Jeydon wale (also known as hunter) on youtube... he's hilarious, and good looking (he can even rap!<3)
If your bored then PM me. I always reply, no matter what you say
3nodding and well.... yeah
xd ............
~*~*~*~*~*~Heh <3 duuddeee..... your curiousity is intense!
cool ~*~*~*~*~
Siffora's Thoughts Set Free
Basically voicing my thoughts on my mind, but in a way you might not understand so you won't know what I'm talking about, because it's my thoughts not yours :)
You Laugh Cuz I'm Different rofl ... I Laugh Cuz Your All The Same! talk2hand
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