
Shaaa~ . I'm Jokamae.

I'm on the run, so makin' remarks as to my where-abouts is ne'er too smart, if ya know what I mean~.

*smiles brightly*

If you don't, shove off~,

*grins, crossing my arms*

I'll make me simple. I'll supply a bit of my appearance here. Then each day, I'll do one of these nifty little quizzes~


And we'll see just who I am. It will be a learning process for both you all and I, wouldn't you say.

*grin widens almost impossibly, before settling into a smile, and I lean against the end of the account page, purple hair falling in my eyes*

If you and, or I, live that long, right, sweets? After all, human life is fragile. I'm just as in danger to die in the next second as you are~. Mhm~ Like that moniter you're looking at... better hope it doesn't spark.

Don't worry~. I've never gone to jail for murder.

It's not my thing.


I leave that to the careless and the slow.

Here is my information. I shall not inform you of my name; but all else is free game~. Oooh, I'm a poet, wouldn't'cha know it~.

Age: 24

Race: Caucasion/Native [naaah~ you try learning to spell in a police typing course. *makes face* Help you in the real world, pooey.]

IQ: 187 [pah~ again, luck. I'm one hundred, tops, sweets.]

Eyes: Blue. Not navy; that's royal, mind you. One of my biggest boons. Luckily, sunglasses hide it.

Hair: Bright purple. Ahhh, that is dyed. Well, was dyed. You know how you supply yourself for those testing companies for hair dyes and such... ~?

Skin: I have some Native Canadian in me... about... six/seven generations back~? My skin's just the same as grandma's, though~. Nice gold. Want to know how I saw her di- WHOOPS! Almost got personal there!

Outfits: I like baggy stuff~ No need to show off what you don't have. From this writing, I'm all bold~ But people just SCARE me, you know?

*smiles brightly*

I mean, I'm a person, and I just broke out of JAIL!

Half a year ago.


Height: 5''6 [Flip, flip, from beam to rooftop it's hard when you start but it's easy on the fall~]

Body type: Slim~. Prison fooood, anyone?

Ahhhaaa~! There ya's go~. Not going to feed you alll the information on me, am I, sweetie?

I'll tell you about prison life soon~ right now, I have... some fun to attend.

*grins, tipping a top hat, and leaves*



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