- Birthday
- 06/01
- Favorite Movies/Anime
- Naruto & Naruto Shippuudden Tokyo Mew Mew Anima Rosario Vampire Vampire knight Kingdom Hearts Fullmetal alchemist Fullmetal alchemsit brotherhood Howls Moving Castle Spirited Away Princess Monoke
- Favorite TV Shows
- Danny Phatom Mulan Hercules ABDC Avatar: last air bender Naruto Fullmetal alchemist
- Favorite Reads
- Tokyo Mew Mew Naruto Anima Fullmetal alchemsit Fall in Love like a Comic Vampire knight
- Favorite Music/Bands
- 3 oh 3! Fallout Boy Most Japanese music My Chemical Romance theory of a dead man owl city and most disney music : ('ll make a man out of you I won't say im in love..ect.)
- Hobbies/Interests
- Drawing watching movies reading listening to music
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