
(Even if we're kinda sorta in last place right now... ><' )

Hullo thar! 'o'
I'm not stupid enough to put my name up here, but you can call me Alli. Or Mouse. Or you can make up your own nickname for me, so long as it's appropriate. xP

I am addicted to apples and Coca-Cola. Old school Disney movies rock my world, especially The Lion King. I've been taking Tae Kwon Do classes for about two years now, and it pretty much monopolizes my time these days. I'm an assistant instructor, a member of the White Tigers demonstration team, and I'll be testing for my black belt in September. My favorite colours change often, right now they're red and yellow. I'm one of those crazy people that actually likes to work, dun ask why.

Another thing, super important. I am Christian. No, more than that. I am a close friend of Jesus and a child of God. Call me crazy, but I love going to church and reading my Bible. It's difficult to explain. Let me know if I'm preaching at you, I really try not to, but sometimes I do without realizing it. Don't try to convince me that God's not real. You can't force me to stop believing in something I've actually seen, someone I talk to every day.

S t a t u s;; SINGLE & l o v i n g it.
(So don't try anything. =P )

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A P P L E S 4 EVERYone!!! ;D


Viewing 12 of 33 friends


Pixie Dust and Candy Hearts

Rantings of a half-sane teenage girl. Enter if you dare. ;P



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 08/04/2008 9:29 pm


;0; OMG APPLES! *omnomnom*

D: I haven't heard from you in forever! How are you?
Just Sweet Summer

Report | 08/03/2008 12:34 am

Just Sweet Summer

haha I would totally just miss so I could do pushups and get in shape. XP I can only do like 1 very good pushup and then I crash on the floor...lol.

well I will see you then and look forward to it. User Image

allinee, your awesome and I heart you! :]
Just Sweet Summer

Report | 07/27/2008 10:30 pm

Just Sweet Summer

oh that couldn't of been your demo then if they're good, it was younger kids and the teachers had glasses on but you'd be better cause your close to a black belt aren't you? they were like all green belts...that's all I know..
Just Sweet Summer

Report | 07/27/2008 10:28 pm

Just Sweet Summer

maybe you are..... o.0 eh I'm sure a lot haven't seen it yet...

And that might of been the white tigers that I saw...all I know is they kinda were bad...lol.

what church camp are you going to? I went to the trinity lutheran bible camp and it was awesome. but have fun at the camp!

And I already told alex that it couldn't be the week of the 10-16th cause alex d was going to be gone too.

you better be there! User Image
Just Sweet Summer

Report | 07/27/2008 10:11 pm

Just Sweet Summer

ooooh fun fun! I went to the enumclaw fair yesterday and saw some tae kwon do demos too except they couldn't break the boards or they'd keep missing so yeah I'm sure your better though cause you've been in it for quite some time. :] It probably says on the bonney lake website about it so maybe I'll try that but I would still like to know when you'd be there. XP
Just Sweet Summer

Report | 07/27/2008 10:03 pm

Just Sweet Summer

I already saw the dark knight! it is a total kick a** movie and I love it and it's one of my faves and I talked about it on amz. User Image but let me know the time and I'll definetly be there (don't know if I spelled definetly right) and the game breakers things still looking for a day and alex g needs to get back to me but I totally wouldn't mind seeing it again, even though I'm seeing it in IMAX too! I know just like vixi...... XD
Just Sweet Summer

Report | 07/27/2008 10:01 pm

Just Sweet Summer

eeeeeeeeeeee can't wait till bonney lake days so I get to see you! woot woot! User Image
Just Sweet Summer

Report | 07/25/2008 7:11 pm

Just Sweet Summer

oh then I'll go to that for sure! I've never seen you do taek won do before either (sorry if I spelt that wrong) and my dad said I can go the 17th! ^.^ yay! and gamebreakers is next the the regal movie theater. We are waiting for alex to pick a day cause she's helping put it together and then I'll tell everyone. :]
Just Sweet Summer

Report | 07/25/2008 3:33 pm

Just Sweet Summer

Hello everyone! just wanted you to know that we are trying to get a get together with everyone before summer ends and it's going to be at gamebreakers at 1pm but we don't know that date yet...so I will tell you that later! <3Summer
Just Sweet Summer

Report | 07/25/2008 2:28 pm

Just Sweet Summer

cool. :] so are we still up for hanging on august 5th?? <3Summer


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DLS: The lovable, dysfunctional family that you choose.
God gave us Reason, not Religion!