
writen by
''My life''

Has some times
that i cant understand
and there some answers to find
Deep love i will never forget you
how many times i got so obses with you
Dreams to dreams
time to time
theres so many questions in life
My heart torn apart 15 times
Ill never never forget
how you save me from my cold heart

1998.... Ill never forget it. It was the year when this strange feelin in my gut starts taking all over my mind. Soon or after the hole world around me starts acting the same feeling and this new feeling add to our minds was called ''love''.

I couldn't control my self i was so obsses with this girl ''vivian'' that evrything around me was birds and unicorns flying and carying me into th clouds, to the girl i loved but i made a mistake. The girl was my (''not'') girlfriend i was so blind in love that i couldn't see the truth that she was toying with me from the start. One day she doesn't show her face in school,so i ask a friend of mine ''Luis'' :
''wheres vivian'' and ''Luis'' says: that she is on a date. I dint know what ment date so i took it like a joke. The other day she show's her face in school but with another guy named ''Jose'', that was truthly her boyfriend. I felt like another ''feeling'' but this time was like rage and it was called ''gealouse''. I started to stare ''Jose'' and a minute ago he said to me: moron,loser and wimp. The students started to laugh,so i told him: ''water melon head''. Evry one started at ''Jose'' and he goes crying to the bath room. Vivian try's to stop him but he refuse her compasity. Then she goes to my face and ''kiss'' me on the chin. ''Jose'' did saw the event with me and ''vivian'' so he to was infected with ''gealouse''.''Jose''ranned at me and he punches me on the face, i push him to the ground, we where both crying so the principal calls up and busted.
Since that day vivian never talk with me and one day she slaps me on the face, i got so sloppy, emberased and a new feeling called ''depresion'' that i said: ''I will never fall for this love thing again'' but i did 14 times more and twice the pain.

please read carefully and never do the same.


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Report | 03/07/2006 5:41 pm


Nice spot Itsumy, thanks for helping me around here and for the gift ^_^
Rebirth Project

Report | 12/26/2005 3:35 pm

Rebirth Project

A comment for you for commenting my profile! ^^
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Kingcore Koopa

Report | 12/11/2005 10:44 am

Kingcore Koopa

Thanks for the comment....Its good to see your ready for the holidays.
Death God Minizuki

Report | 12/06/2005 6:44 am

Death God Minizuki

your the best itsumy no matter what


The master hand and samus aran have taken revenge on there defeat!
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