
We are the Aime Club of West Irondequoit High School. Each of our members has access to this account, our age is that of our oldest member and president. We have existed for three years.
We are open to suggestions of what we should do in our meetins, what conventions we should go to, and whatnot.
Some of us are new to Gaia, some of us have been on here since what seems like the beginning. Our current leader is NashvilleDreamer (Who is currently masquerading as Blood_Poet_Kaiya, as she was unfairly banned).


Viewing 5 of 5 friends


Viewing 9 of 9 comments.


Report | 01/06/2008 12:02 pm


Well I guess it is best that I as well welcome you to gaia, though I do not think it will easy for all of you to use the same account, you all may have different interest in rps, and when it comes to replying things may get difficult, but you may find some interesting things within the forums and and some good reads....oh maybe as an anime club you join a forum and every week read the progress of your character to the rest of the club....the anime club at my school has meeting on Monday, Tuesdays, and Saturdays...we have game tournaments, art contest, anime viewings, movie night, some of us volunteer at a-con, andwe have lots of fun, so i do like the idea of what it is you are doing, ganbette kudasai.

Report | 12/26/2007 1:56 pm



Our avi's kindof ugly o.O

I'll have to fix that...

Report | 12/26/2007 1:54 pm


It's not all yours, darling User Image

Only half.

and even if I'm very ...leaderly

Don't forget that it will be yours next year User Image
Axel of the Key

Report | 06/30/2007 5:54 am

Axel of the Key

Wow, people are welcoming this account to Gaia. I don't get it. It's just our club account, which I'm not even sure is allowed, but oh well.

Leadership has been turned over to me now, so I should edit this. But I'm too lazy.

Report | 04/09/2007 7:58 pm


Hey there, welcome to gaia
and nice to meet u^^

Report | 04/09/2007 7:36 pm


welcome to gaia

Report | 04/09/2007 7:35 pm


Hey there! and welcome to gaia xd
Kinky Kirby

Report | 04/09/2007 7:34 pm

Kinky Kirby


Report | 04/09/2007 7:32 pm

