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Snowy Sizamiya Report | 10/07/2011 11:58 am
Snowy Sizamiya
happy b-day xD
AquaticOwls Report | 07/27/2011 1:11 pm
lol yes i am i switched pcs
AquaticOwls Report | 07/27/2011 10:10 am
Hello there! So you say I never get online do you! Well I have come to fix that! MWAHAHAHAHAHA OK I'm done with that. So I was acting like a total stalker and looked at your comments and realized OMG YOU GOT HACKED but I didn't bother to look at the date so I'm not a good stalker yet am I? lol Sorry to hear that and I will help anyway I can. Or almost anyway I can. Hasta La Pasta : D
LoveToFap Report | 07/25/2011 8:54 pm
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ill give u all the gold i have left which is 51k =)
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LoveToFap Report | 07/25/2011 8:02 pm
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u got hacked D: im soo sorry
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Lovely Italian Report | 07/14/2011 1:30 pm
Lovely Italian
ugh. people are so dumb sometimes.... i remember when i got hacked.... i cried.
Lovely Italian Report | 07/11/2011 10:58 pm
Lovely Italian
oh my god!!! how did you get hacked?! :0
Lovely Italian Report | 07/11/2011 3:12 pm
Lovely Italian
konan: i know...
Lovely Italian Report | 07/10/2011 10:25 pm
Lovely Italian
konan: i dont know sesshomaru... he got this gang now.... it sounds stupid but its true.
Lovely Italian Report | 07/10/2011 6:45 pm
Lovely Italian
konan: no, im just worried pein will have a fit and try beating you up.

ifox demon sakura

ifox demon sakura's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 09/30


hi ^^ im ifox demon sakura (im not telling my age or name unless ur a close friend D<) a twilight fan......yes i am a twilight fan and im on team jacob....IF U HAVE A PROBLOM WITH THAT THEN Y R U HERE??!! i like anime im a HUGE fan <.< im a tomboy im NOT gay ok! i just dont like shopping and all that girly crap! so dont judge me! i love canine species my fav canines r foxes, and fav characters on sertin anime.......sasuke, and naruto, byakuya, and hichigo, haji, sesshomaru, and rin, allelujah, kyo, zero......if u dont know this characters then start watching anime -_-" if u think and or make fun of my user name then GO TO HELL!!! if u hate wat i watch THEN DONT COMPLAN TO ME!!!! I HATE PPL WHO THINK THEY'RE BETTER THEN OTHERS!!!! BECAUSE TRUTH BE TOLD UR NOT!!! EVERY BODY IS DIFFERENT LIVE WITH IT!!! JUST CAUSE UR MADE FUN OF DOSENT MEAN ITS OK TO PICK ON OTHER!!!! SO GROW UP!!!! EVERY ONE IS SPECIAL IN THEIR ON WAYS!!!! SO LEAVE THEM ALONE U BASTERDS!!!!! *sigh* that took alot 2 say <.< know who i am....yes i dont like alot of stuff too but give me a break......just grow up and act ur age like i am doing right now......i hate ppl who treat eachother like garbeg i think its crual......i hate ppl who hurt animals for stupid reasons........i hate ppl who lie, but there is no way 2 stop that but just dont lie all the time ok? im can be nice, kind, giving, i think about other who needs help.....truth be told....i always think my life sucks....but every body has problom in life and is struggling 2 so im not complaning i know their r ppl out there who been suffering a long time so im happy for wat i have now ^^ i try hard 2 help other even if i dont know them right away....... hmm were was i?...... oh yes! im also weird XD so if u want 2 be my friend then friend reqest me i might delink or watever but dont think its the end of the world or anything i just have alot of friends already and u do just dont get sad about it ok? User Image ok then......ill talk 2 u later ^^ bye

random stuff: Your Result is: LucarioYou are wise and fun. You are everything that your friends or you want to be.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Take Which pokemon are you?


User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.


human kyuubi

foxy gin <3