You can all call me Kiiwi; real name? Well you just gotta ask(; I am currently 13. I don't do much with my life so don't expect too much from me. Being azn is my thing so don't ask anymore(: You can sing happy birthday to me on March 7th. If you have a crush on me, don't be afraid to tell me. I'm all ears(: Who knows, I might just like you back. (Don't be sad when I say I don't have the same feelings for you, I'm really nice and we can still be friends)♥
My favorite celebrity is TC Carter so don't ask if you feel tempted.
Get to know me if you will. HitMeUp(: if needed.
If you wanna be friends, don't be shy, just add me.
If anything happens to my family and friends the first thing I'd do would be to freak out.
If you treat me like something discarded you can't even recycle, don't expect me to like you or even talk to you at all.
I hate when people treat me like I'm invisible like I wish I was, especially when you forget about me because your too busy with other people and when they leave you, the person you turn to is me, but I wont be there for you anymore because you weren't there for me.
I wish life was like a pencil and a paper where you can actually erase your mistakes.
I wish life was like a computer so whenever you have to answer something you don't want to answer, you can either log out or exit out of it.
I don't need anything fancy from you like earrings, necklaces, or bracelets. As long as it was from the heart I'm fine with it.
*Something Extra: I love almost everything and if you think I'm talented, think again. You can look up to me, love me, but don't get obsessed 'cause I hate people who are obsessed with me. Obsessed people are stalkers and I don't want a thousand stalkers, one is just enough(:
~A Good Friend Sees The First Tear, Catches The Second And Stops The Third.
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