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iceses's Journal

Hi again i like punk music, hard,heavy,slow music raps sucks yuck

I love poetry,music,and books .....oh yeah i forgot lots of TV im i hate new clothes i love dirty rugged looking clothes i had my converses for three years and they look like s**t but they ******** rock ko ko ka choo BYE



First warning - six hour mute by Arwen
From: iceses
To: Arwen
Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 4:08 am
Subject: Report a Journal

Report Submitted By: iceses (1025446)
IP Address:
Reported Journal:

Reason Reported:
Because hes trying to flirt with people to much

Message to user:
Dear iceses:

Your account on Gaia Online had been silenced for 6 hours due to the following reason:

Abusing the report form; All reports done through Report has to be violating GAIA Online TOS