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akatsuki_leader_pein13's avatar
Anubise's avatar

Report | 01/17/2011 4:06 pm


copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
microman victom_201's avatar

Report | 10/28/2009 8:46 am

microman victom_201

whats ur dress called? i like it. nice profile ^^
Lord_Arigas's avatar

Report | 08/22/2009 12:32 pm


Wow, that really sucks. =( Also sorry for the late comment, haven't been to the computer cafe place for a few days. Gonna be here all day today though.
Lord_Arigas's avatar

Report | 08/19/2009 7:27 pm


Heh so I've noticed judging by your avi's appearance. =) Anyways, I just finished the summer camp event on one of my other avis. Did this event from beginning to end with 4 different accounts. X_X It wasn't easy, but I got every single type of item from every 5th boss battle, and a few extra of the same stuff from the end battles. ^_^
Lord_Arigas's avatar

Report | 08/19/2009 3:14 pm


Nice profile, pretty awesome, except for sodaman1's comment which seems to ruin it. -_- I hate people that do that s**t, it's so frickin fake, it isn't funny. >_< Dunno bout you, but you should probably delete that comment if you wanna save space on your profile, but that's just me. Aside from that though, nice avi, nice profile. =)
Game Killer5's avatar

Report | 08/04/2009 7:50 pm

Game Killer5

I like your profile
Necro_Sonata's avatar

Report | 07/22/2009 1:33 pm


copy and paste this into 10 profiles and press f5 to refresh the page you will see a blue giftbox floating around your screen which has a katana
LucklyUnlucky's avatar

Report | 07/11/2009 10:07 am


PLEASE &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt;ok i know u hate this crap when people send you things &gt; &gt;&gt;like this &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt;but trust &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt;me i mean trust me i will never lie too any of u....this &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt;this is freakin scary its sooo crazy and it &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt;works but u &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt;have too belive in it.. soo good luck lates &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt;DO NOT SEND THIS BACK TO THE PERSON THAT SENT YOU IT!!! [not a &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt;good idea] &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt;DO THIS ITS SOO FREAKY &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt;thursday october 6, 2005 &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt;here just do it &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt;most people aren't sure of what they really want in life. I &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt;received this &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt;letter from a friend on the computer, did what it told me to, &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt;and within a &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt;week, everything I had wished came true!! Here's an exact copy, &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt;this &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt;really &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt;works!!!! &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt;************************************************

************* &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;
~!~forgotten)(thoughts~!~'s avatar

Report | 07/07/2009 8:37 pm


yea. more freedom. so where are you going? don't remember if i've asked you yet or not..
johannag16's avatar

Report | 07/06/2009 9:05 pm


it is under hotguy
johannag16's avatar

Report | 07/06/2009 9:01 pm


2 min.
johannag16's avatar

Report | 07/06/2009 8:55 pm


do you like my profile?????????????????????????
~!~forgotten)(thoughts~!~'s avatar

Report | 07/06/2009 8:11 pm


hmm im not too sure. doesn't seem like it would really help much except make you more annoyed with the fact that she isn't letting you do anything.
ari_aden's avatar

Report | 07/06/2009 3:53 pm


me 2! i'm going to be going to college in gulfport but i'm going to wait till fall . i got to get some other things together first. so besides that hows it all been treating you?
ari_aden's avatar

Report | 07/06/2009 6:16 am


oh yes yes i remember now ! its just been so long ! so what u been up to ? your like one of the only reasons i'm back on here. idk , i was just thinking about u just the other day . i was like "i wonder what mandy's up to "
ari_aden's avatar

Report | 07/05/2009 5:15 pm


hey don't read this the wrong way but do i know u ? u sound like i do ? i'm afriad to guess cause i might be wrong
johannag16's avatar

Report | 07/05/2009 4:42 pm


the same
johannag16's avatar

Report | 07/05/2009 4:28 pm


hea wat up................
~!~forgotten)(thoughts~!~'s avatar

Report | 07/04/2009 8:33 pm


well, i can understand why shes still holding on. its not easy to let go just like that. lol my dad keeps telling me that he isn't ready to see me leave yet. just their thing i guess...
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