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haxanator's avatar

Report | 10/28/2010 7:29 am


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Sei Gigantea's avatar

Report | 10/28/2010 6:21 am

Sei Gigantea

rofl I won't. I have my compass with me in case I get lost. ;p Haha, nah, I'll wait.

YESH, CUTE AND SWEET, I SAID. >;D Maybe sweet and spicy? lol mainly 'coz shoujo is what makes it good and also a nice storyline. <3 Oh oh, may I suggest something? *is excited* ;D You gotta read and watch MariMite!!! I've seen the anime first, then the manga, but the two are very similar, so there's nothing much of a difference. ;D It's the quintessential of innocent yet subtle lily, at least for me. <3 It's really good, so if you want to give it a try, go read/watch it. xD

Just don't get caught!!! Lock the door, hide under the blanket, and let nobody disturb you from cropping!! lolz

WOW, SUGOI!!! @.@ You're very skilled! There's this scanlation group that's begging to have new translators and QCs, and even though I really want to help, I can't, 'coz I don't understand the Japanese language at all! >.< Maybe I'll help with the QC, but bleh. D: Oh my, I have a ton of fonts too! I like collecting and use them for my projects. <3

Okay, this is really strange. We absolutely have the same interests in most things, haven't we? o.o
Sei Gigantea's avatar

Report | 10/28/2010 12:36 am

Sei Gigantea

Haha, I'll definitely try that soon. *searches for newspapers in the old and dingy garage*

ROFL oh my, you thought I was innocent?? pfft concerning stuff about that, then, well I am, but not really. *nods head* I'm sorta in-between. ;p I only like reading "lily" manga, 'coz I think it's cute and sweet. <3 BUT I only read the innocent ones, hmm you know, no naughty stuff to be seen and/or intended. lolz I'm only a fan though, nothing more. xD and yes, I know!!! o.o there's another twin of mine from halfway around the world! Sugoi! @.@ What are the odds, right? XDD

Woot congrats! Now you are starting your pro experience in Ps!! ;D Actually, it's pretty easy once you know all the basic stuff, and by the time you mastered them, you can make lots of cool effects and crop people's faces if you want to! lol it's the common fun stuff to do in Photoshop, y'know. xD

OMG STILTS!!! I never thought of it like that. lol and yeah, I quite like the slinky spindly legs. <3
haxanator's avatar

Report | 10/27/2010 6:49 am


Seems I was out trick or treating in the wrong neighborhood and got ghostie high jacked.
They said they would let me go if I partied with them til Halloween so til then I'm hanging out with the dead xp
Sei Gigantea's avatar

Report | 10/27/2010 1:10 am

Sei Gigantea

lolz I'm still improving my vocab, too. xD It's neverending. There's just too many words to take in!! D: But I'm enjoying it anyways, so it's fine. ;D Ooh really? Haven't played sudoku yet. :S

Mysterious ftw!!!! Haha, that's so right. It leaves you hanging sometimes. lol

OHMIGOSHHHHH!!! DON'T TELL ME!!! :O omg this is so uncanny… WE DEFINITELY DO LIKE THE SAME THINGS!!! :O *drops jaw in shock* D-d-do you h-have any i-idea what t-this m-m-means?! lolz just how did you know? Oh man, that's my secret, but sometimes I happen to meet people (e.g. on zOMG!) who will whisper me and ask certain questions because of my username. *blushes* I really had a feeling that you know somethin'… o.o XDD

lol okay, I think the better way for me to explain this is for you to check this tut here (if you haven't yet): http://www.agavegroup.com/?p=68 it has pictures and the explanation is quite clear, so it's somewhat easy to understand. ;D lol hope this helps for the first q~ ;p
Sei Gigantea's avatar

Report | 10/25/2010 5:16 pm

Sei Gigantea

Woot! ;D Yes, we do! lol A Little Princess has two well-known novel-to-film adaptations; the 1939 movie starred by Shirley Temple and the 1995 version starred by Liesel Matthews. I've only watched the 1995 film though and you should see it too; it's truly wonderful. <3 It's magical, lovely and it's every little girl's favorite film! xD The Secret Garden is a splendid one as well. I enjoyed watching it when I was very young. Seriously, don't miss these great films! ;D

rofl I like the comic section in newspapers too… and the crossword puzzle even though sometimes I can't get them right. XDD

BWAHAHAHA!!! I totally love being all mysterious and making people wonder. >;D Two categories in your mind, hmm? lolz I think you got it, but I don't know if I'm thinking what YOU'RE thinking. xD But if we're thinking the same thing… then, err… *blushes* What's your guess? TELL ME! lol I'll give you a hint: it's innocent, yet not really. XD

Haha, yay! ;p Ask away if you have questions and I'll try to help you as much as I can, although I can't guarantee if I'll answer them correctly. rofl
Sei Gigantea's avatar

Report | 10/24/2010 7:08 pm

Sei Gigantea

That's a really nice list. <3 I've seen the movies, A Little Princess and The Secret Garden, but I didn't know that Jane Eyre has also been made into a film? I'm actually reading that one right now. ;D And you know what I like! lol I like those kinds of books.

You're reading manga as well? Wow, you're a pretty rounded person. You read all kinds of stuff! Well, most of them, anyway. xD In the manga aspect, I mostly have only one category that I'm reading… lol I'd rather not tell what it is at the moment. xD

lol ty! Yeah, I made it. I'm not an extremely expert at it yet, but I've learned quite a few to create some projects such as that one. ;p
Sei Gigantea's avatar

Report | 10/23/2010 7:48 pm

Sei Gigantea

lol I get what you mean. ;D

Haha, Artemis Fowl is like "Die Hard with fairies." Cool description, if you ask me. xD Wow, you really are an avid reader, aren't you? o.o Exactly how many books have you read so far?! lol right now, I'm trying to get myself back to the classics. I'm thinkin' I should read everything that was considered "great literature." I'm not even halfway there, though. XDD

YES! Trick or treat? lol Halloween is just around the corner! That and mainly the reason why I changed it is because of a guild I'm a member of. We take screenshots every month, and for October, someone suggested the theme will be Cirque du Gothique. xD Wanna see? Here's the screenie we took. ;D
Sei Gigantea's avatar

Report | 10/21/2010 11:48 pm

Sei Gigantea

rofl well, I read two of his controversial books and I'm gonna have to read The Lost Symbol for curiosity's sake. Dan Brown's narrative is quite enjoyable, though. All the plots and twists he had written were quite cool. However, I'm not into the subject that he's trying to convey, if you know what I mean. It goes against religion, and personally, if you'll see it that way, it's not appealing. I'm just an open-minded reader and I don't take his books too seriously. =]
Sei Gigantea's avatar

Report | 10/21/2010 9:58 pm

Sei Gigantea

You're onnnnnn!!!! xD
Sei Gigantea's avatar

Report | 10/20/2010 8:22 am

Sei Gigantea

rofl thanks. I'll try my best. xD

Heh, not really into the silly comedy stuff, though I like a comedy where you can just laugh your heart out in a really hilarious line or joke. lol perhaps the weird ones as well where nobody in the room will laugh with you. Oh man, I can be peculiar sometimes. xD

Woot I've seen The Da Vinci Code! I liked the effects mostly, and not necessarily because of the book. I read the novel with an open mind just to know what the hype was all about; no big deal. ;p I suppose you haven't seen Angels & Demons then? Truthfully, don't watch it. -.- I think I've felt what you felt when you were watching P.S. I Love You; the movie was soooooo different from the book it was terrible. >.< The soundtrack was good though, so you might wanna check that out. ;p
Sei Gigantea's avatar

Report | 10/18/2010 7:32 pm

Sei Gigantea

Yes, kinda. xD I read and saw some stuff about Paris and ever since then, I wanted to take a visit there. Besides that, I just wanna learn French, 'cuz generally, I think it's cool to learn new languages. If I finish studying French, I'm gonna be ecstatic and then move on to whatever language that will catch my interests next. ;D

Haha, yup, English and Spanish. I can speak a little Spanish, but not so fluently yet. >.< When I was younger, it just fascinated me so much to hear other people talk other than my native tongue, so I decided that someday, I'll have to learn a new one. XDD So far, not much progress, but there will be. lol

YES, I LOVED THAT MOVIE! He's rather funny, don't you think? I just laugh at his expressions sometimes. Alas, I only saw the trailer for Pink Panther. Never seen it; didn't quite appeal to me. =/
Sei Gigantea's avatar

Report | 10/17/2010 4:27 pm

Sei Gigantea

Haha, it's fine, really. xD Sadly, nobody I know can speak French irl, which sucks. =/ I'll study by my own I guess. ;D I want to go to Paris one day, so maybe that will help me. xD

That's really cool. The people I'm surrounded with can only communicate using two languages at most. lol but that's totally great, 'cuz you've been influenced by different sorts of people from different countries ever since you were young. I haven't bothered wanting to learn another language until I'm like thirteen. XDD

ROFL the movie's funny. xD I think it's worth watching. ;p Action and comedy sometimes work great together, and this is one of the good examples. Gonna have to see it asap! ;D And plus, Jean Reno is a great actor. My fave movie of his is The Professional. He and Natalie Portman were equally awesome in it. xD
Sei Gigantea's avatar

Report | 10/17/2010 6:35 am

Sei Gigantea

Oh you're good… SEE, I HAVE TO LOOK THAT UP ON A TRANSLATOR! lolz it's okay though. At least you can speak it. ;D Oh wow, you're multilingual… o.o one of the several things in my life that I wanna be! You're awesome. xD

Due to watching a lot of anime lately, I somehow picked up a few Japanese words and sentences which made me glad a bit, 'cuz at first, it was really awkward hearing a foreign language you don't have any knowledge of, and you know, Jap people speak fast, I think, by hearing the way they speak, and it was kinda hard to keep up the first time. =/

Yeah, I saw some French movies with subs and until now, I still can't get their accent. >:[ Grrr. I don't even know how to read French let alone speak the language, but I'm trying!! xD

That's so cool. Are you like attending an international language school or something, 'cause that's totally very impressive. lol

Oh thanks! I'll have to check that film out soon. Based on the poster, is it kind of an action movie?
Sei Gigantea's avatar

Report | 10/16/2010 5:21 am

Sei Gigantea

LOL yeah some dubbed films sound and look really horrible. Their lips are not in sync to what they're actually saying. xD

Haha, that's awesome! WATCH IT IMMEDIATELY! ;p omg that's so cool that you studied French! I really do like that language and am planning to learn it very soon. Je veux vous parler en parlant français, mais malheureusement, j'ai surtout utiliser un traducteur à chaque fois que je fais. J'ai encore de la pratiquer en temps réel. XDD
Sei Gigantea's avatar

Report | 10/15/2010 11:37 pm

Sei Gigantea

Ha, concerning dubbed or subbed, I'm kind of in-between. xD In anime, I mostly watch them with subtitles, but if I'm too tired reading, I'll switch to dubbed instead (ONLY IF the English dub is somehow decent). lol That goes the same with movies as well. xD I watched TGWTDT with English dub. Honestly, I think it's okay. ;p
Sei Gigantea's avatar

Report | 10/13/2010 6:56 pm

Sei Gigantea

Yup, definitely. It's easier rather than going out and go to the video store. =/ And YESH, DO IT! Hunt them down and demand! lolz
Sei Gigantea's avatar

Report | 10/13/2010 6:49 pm

Sei Gigantea

Oh man! That sucks! >.< Err, well, the movie was very Rated R, I think. There were scenes that you don't normally see in most movies. lol thus, forbidden in some countries. =[ But you can still rent online, right? I do that most of the time if I wanna check a movie out.
Sei Gigantea's avatar

Report | 10/12/2010 10:48 pm

Sei Gigantea

Mhm, the films for the trilogy have already been released a year ago too, but so far, I've only seen the first one. =/ Oh darn, that's too bad! You can still rent it, though. That's what I did. xD Seems that they only selected some countries for the film showing. =[ But I hope you'll be able to see it! I saw the well-made trailer months ago and it got me very intrigued. I know you are too, right? xD Just the trailer alone is cool. ;p
Sei Gigantea's avatar

Report | 10/11/2010 8:17 pm

Sei Gigantea

Yeah, it's amazing. You shouldn't miss it! Read the book AND watch the movie!! xD At first, when I was about to read the novel, I initially thought that it was gonna bore me to tears, but boy, I was so wrong. It's one of my faves now. <3

Oh oh, I've seen the movie, "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo!" Oooh, it was excellent. Lisbeth looked pretty cool. Watch it now. XD I haven't read the books yet (grr), but I can at least guarantee that it won't disappoint (I hope), because the film stood out on its own and people thought that it brought justice to the novel. lol
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