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Report | 01/14/2008 2:38 pm


</span><table width="90%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" border="0" align="center"><tr><td><span class="genmed">HVI Wrote:</span></td></tr><tr><td class="quote"> Near seemed to me like he was an L wannabe, and I couldn't help but wonder if he was related to L somehow. They had the same eyes and quirky mannerisms--That has to be genetic. The rivalry between Near and Mello was less complex than I'd hoped it to be, too. It was just a basic sibling rivalry.</td></tr></table><span class="postbody">

Wammy's orphanage was created by Watari. There was no relations to the characters, just highly IQed young children choosen to be taken in Wammy's care.

These were just 'chosen' children.

The reason why Nate River [Near] has odd quirks, and Micheal Keehl [Mello] has an obsession with Chocolate, is because they were both working up their way to be as great as their Idol L Lawliet in the future.

So no genetics, just fans trying to be in any way just like L.

The reason why they hold rivalries is because of Micheal's obsession to be better than Nate, who was always one step ahead. So in other words, he acknowledged the fact that Nate was smarter, ruining and flawing his dreams of becoming as great as L.

Nate however didn't seem to hold much hate towards Micheal, because he had no issues with Micheal other than Mello breathing down his neck with a winning obsession.

</span><table width="90%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" border="0" align="center"><tr><td><span class="genmed">HVI Wrote:</span></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">I think the orphanage that they all came from should have been explored more--like, why does this orphanage in particular get to determine who the next L is, and if Near was chosen to be the next L, does that mean that there's a line of Ls going back through history?</td></tr></table><span class="postbody">

This orphanage, as mentioned before, was created by Quillsh Wammy, A.K.A Watari. Watari was a famous inventor, using the funds from his inventions to create Wammys. Wammys house however was not just any orphanage. It was a detective training ground facility that gathered many of the brightest, smartest, children from around the world and raised them to be detectives, great detectives. L was known to be the first, very successful Prodigy.

Because of Watari's authority and ties with the government, it must have helped L to raise to such a point in power as to where he was able to order the greater authority, like the FBI around.

This goes for Near too. Since Wammys is a detective facility, and he was already to become one of L's successors, it didn't take much to get connections built up by Watari to gain the trust of the FBI, etc.