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Huntress Starsong

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She is a wanderer, a lost soul, searching for her place in the world. For many turns of the seasons she has been alone, walking the dark paths at night, and using the stars to guide her. No elf knows the lament in her heart, or the dreams in her head.

Born off the recognition between Nightsinger and Moonstar, in the grove holt, on a frigid winters eve. Her birth name which she has kept thus far symbolizes her entrance into this world. Through the cloud coverage, and the lightly falling snow, a single star pierced through the clouds, allowing its light for all to see. With the preservers singing in the background, the beauty of the night shown apparent in Moonstar's eyes as she named her firstborn with pride.

She grew up with her parents in the Grove holt, learning the ways of life an necessity. For many turns she's hunted and howled, laughed and cried, has loved and been loved in return. Many adventures have taken her to many places, she has seen the darkness with her own eyes. After leaving her home and returning again a much older soul, she has struggled to keep herself in the true wolfrider way. A difficult journey to the brink of madness, then back again. During this time she has lost many loved ones, and has brought a son into the world.

Though now all is presumably lost. The world torn asunder by an explosion in the heavens. She awoke to find herself in a land she didn't recognize, and alone. After nursing herself back to life, she ventured into the broken world to see why the high ones saw it fit not to take her into their heavenly embrace.

((If you would like to join us in an Elfquest RP Guild, please visit Elfquest: Shattered Worlds RP Guild and become part of the journey))


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Frion_Zee Report | 06/27/2009 4:49 am
nice avi ^^
Horus of Avalon Report | 01/03/2009 10:21 pm
Horus of Avalon
Reeeealy now?

This means I should get back on Blaze, right ? =w=
BlazingRock Report | 08/01/2008 6:38 pm
I'll take a hand at that Red-moon hunt, or whatever.
Rawr-ima-dinosore Report | 07/24/2008 1:20 pm
hm... Thanks, but no thanks. I'm not much interested in roleplaying. sweatdrop
Rawr-ima-dinosore Report | 07/17/2008 12:44 pm
Yaaaaay, another Elfquest nerd! biggrin
Rook Silhouette Report | 07/08/2008 10:23 am
Rook Silhouette
You leave my bird alone!
Rook Silhouette Report | 07/02/2008 1:33 pm
Rook Silhouette
Aaaaaaand I'm finally part of the story! Ayooah!
GentleMidnightDancer Report | 05/26/2008 1:53 pm
This lady makes the best SIG's. I love mine!!! Thanks again... =D


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