Name: Himo (Daren) Lee Kono
Nicknames: Himo, Gaara and Hiei...dont know why my friends call me that but feel free to call me those....no tellin how many ppl have already. ^^ ;
Age: 17
Sex: Male...duh!
Location: San Angelo, Texas
Hobbies: Skatebording, Anime, listning to rock and rap, talking to people, and much more.
Website(s) most visited: Gaia of course, Myspace.com, uh....and theotaku.com....
So here, if yall want me to view something new be it anime or new songs that come out, tell me and ill try to get into it. i mean, its better to know something that you have something in common with.
Alright, so heres the deal, if u want to be friends then Great! Send me a friend request and it will all be good. And yes, i do go and give random commetns to people so sorry if you are one of them
sweatdrop . Oh and illl try to put up a new comic (gonna be naruto for a while) every week^^ enjoy! so....all i have to say is...Waz Up?
The Fire Prince's Thoughts
Himo's flaming thoughts. Enter if you can stand the heat!
I am Himo, hear me roar.
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