
Emily, I still love you! Emily is one of my bestest friends ever, and I didn't put anything about her here cause she's too awesome, and there aren't any words to describe her!

H - a - l - l - o

You my un-friend, have found your way to the ah-maz-ing Jamie's "About Me" page. I will (errrm dur) post up here things that are all about moi. Here are Za Basics Ala Jamie.

My name is errrmmm, well you prolly guessed but Jamie. I live in a place by the name of Colorado. I am the current owner/creator of FRUITYfonts, a new graphics site (Grand Opening July 1oth at midnight! [in honor of Jane.Yim] See you there!). You'll almost always find he sitting on the wooden chairs of our kitchen, typing away on the computer. When you look at the screen, it will most likely be on neopets.com, sunnyneo(dot)com, playlist(dot)com, MS Paint, Irfanview, and GIFviewer. I adore to reoleplay, type HTML and CSS and surf neo finding more and more graphics sites. I would most likely be eating "Birthday Bash" ice cream or buttered/peanut butter/peanut butter and banana toast. I would be most likely wearing penguin pajamma pants with a random tank top and my hair in a loose and messy bun. What would be playling is a mixture of 8o's pop, techno, alternative, rock, harxcore, pop, and dance music. You will come across many many Audrey Kitching, Sailor Moon, and Anime pictures on my saved documents. When I'm not in front of the computer, I'm usually wearing something bright, being crazy and I have a camera in one hand and a cellphone in the other.

My name is Jamie Lynn, I am Thirteen Years of Age and living in the United States, Colorado. I am a computer freak who loves to read and obsesses over many, many, things. I have blonde hair (Which may or may not become "blonde with purple and lime green streaks") and blue/green/gray eyes. I name everything I own. I have a duck named Floohpeyi, who is one of my favorite stuffed animals. I go by many nicknames: Jay, Ja-ma, Scoobs, Pepper, Jamily-Amily, Miss Peanut Butter, P.B., Koontails, Crazy, and Dumb Bolnde. I tend to get a bit crazy.... erm.... REALLY crazy around my loving, caring, and ever-so-unique friends. I am a Kamichama Karin, Disgaea, and Sailor Moon fan. My favorite characaters are (in order of the anime, seperated by the slashes) Kazune-kun and Himeka-chan/Etna and Laharl/Sailor Neptune (duh), Sailor Saturn and Sailor Pluto. I love music. I have multipule favorite songs, and the list grows everyday. I would say my style of dressing is Harajuku Scene, un fashion statement I created myself. I love to draw. My favorite thing to draw are eyes. My hobbies inculde riding my dad's bike, day dreaming, drawing, journaling, watching anime, eating toast, writing HTML and CSS, making fonts, taking pictures, texting, talking on the phone, missing my school, singing, dancing, stalkign people, roleplaying, making thing a bigger deal than they are, listening to music, complaining, and naming thing. also making Vlogs with my friend, but I'm soooooooo not posting the link here.

these are the things i ABSLOBUTELY live by.

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this is jamie, the one and only (not really haha), the best and better. i live in colorado, i'm crazy and better than you. i love bows, teenage mutant ninja turtles hello kitty and flyleaf. some stupid kids at my school (cough cough keit cough cough you're gonna be the next to die cough cough) say i'm emo but dude, i am WAY too optimistic to be emo, besides i don't even cut. i may wear skinny jeans, eyeliner and arm sokcs, but can't a person wear what they want to without being called emo? ANYWAYS i may seem like an easy person to figure out, but i'm not. there are so many things no one knows about me. when i grow up i want to become a fashion designer/photographer/model/hair stylist and live in new york city by a broadway theatere.

i am not your averege thirteen year old. as a first i hate ketup (yach!) any soda/pop (eww) and i DESPISE scratch that LOTHE watching t.v... unless it's an anime (thats not american, cause thats crappy anime) or invader zim, america's next top model or project runway. on the other hand, i absoloutely adore being on the computer. i've noticed that i fall in love too easily, but when i do, it's for a long period of time. another thing that sets me apart is 1) my best friend, jane, says i talk like an old woman, and 2) i am always asking all these out there questions such as "if god created us, who created god?" and "will the universe really implode upon itself, and will it implode on itself in time for 2012, the suposed end of the world?" and yeah. i have a couple heroes, (more like heroines) such as wonder woman (what can't she do?) audrey kitching (adoreation never came to me in the extent of which i adore her) and juno, from the movie juno (she's so origonal, and sure she's made bad mistakes, but she's fixed them well). ON TO THE OLD s**t.

J-A-M-I-E what does that spell??? DUCK!

yolah, my name is jamie. my DOMAINS are myspace.com, myyearbook.com, photobucket.com, gaiaonline.com (of course) and blingee.com. now that we're done with that... all you need to know is i am crazy. sorta like this ceshire cat!!!! i gotta friend named kat, well it's katherine... (Un-Nyu) yeah, anyways...

i love music, i am a music freak, yeah. yes i AM a britney spears fan, go f**k yourselfs. i am a dumb blonde myself. hahaah. bored. my friends call me dumb blonde. i'm gonna be paris hilton with my friend kat (like i said Un-Nyu) as nicole richie for halloweeen. it gonna be fun.

my retard twin is jane (bff forever, man!!!) and yeah. (fullmoonfan5) and yeah. so i'm fricken bored men. more about moi!

i love: music of course, fashion, alice in wonderland, vintage stuff, cats, SCHOOL YES SCHOOL, uh poking people,

i am just so bored. i wanna pet turkey. that would be fun. i would like chase it like kat and i were chasing gooses at the library, and jane videotaped it, that was funny. so i usually leave long a** comments on peoples profiles.

hobbies: writing, on da computer, typing, making a profile for my origonal character naemd jax, being bored, listening to music, running into walls, drawing, reading, talking on the phone with my friends, making stuff on blingee,

THIRTEEN YEARS OF AGE aurora, colorado BLUE/GREEN/GRAY EYES dirty blonde *wink wink* haha just kidding LIKE 5'3" OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT

thing i f**king hate: CHAT F**KING SPEAK hate is always will, isidro THANKS FOR THE BRUISES


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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 10/28/2009 10:15 am


Try this out it really works! Send this to

5 people Get 50g

10 people Get 1k

15 people Get 10k

27 people Get 29k

When you're done, press ctrl=w. When the window closes logback into your account and check your gold amount!!

Report | 10/28/2009 9:54 am



Report | 04/30/2009 12:10 pm


Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!

Report | 02/05/2009 3:38 pm


hey what up jamie

Report | 11/07/2008 3:32 pm


hey buddy waz up

Report | 10/26/2008 3:06 pm


yellow 4 the 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 time

Report | 10/14/2008 3:21 pm


hi again

Report | 10/07/2008 2:48 pm



Report | 09/19/2008 8:57 pm


Copy and paste this to 10 people then press F5 on your keyboard. You will win 10,000gold each time you do it! Its worked 4 me, and it'll work 4 you to

Report | 06/28/2008 9:09 am


Why don't you ever put anything about me in your profile description? D:

On the other hand, Kat AND you labeled me a nerd. I like it. :B xDD


User Imagemy dream avatar!!!!! its bettah than yours