
Meh...? Yew guy wan'tta know sth 'bout meh? Y'd a random person know anythin'bout other random person? Wot for?Coz believ meh, my matie... we all r just random bein's. Oh, perchaps u feel insolted 'n u think ur sumone special? Well, then...I r sry, but the truth is that we'r all humans.That fact curse us 'n bless the same time, 'n even if ur born as a genius it doesn' mean that ur born wif a greater value.Of course that fact mak'z dyin' wif a great value easier to yew. But millionz'of dumbz might die bein' far more valuable than yew wit all ur awesomness. Yew r just a random persone until yew work hard to work upon urslf... in any way yew like matie, if yew seek for the difficult answears instead of askin' stupid questions, or just developin' ur talent or creatin' abilities, that yew were never supposed to hav, creatin' goalz instead of moanin', that they do not exist. If yew read tis far 'n urn't disguasted, it probably means that I rly owe to tell yew sum stuff of meh... though it is not anythin' entertanin'.I am just a freak addicted to tea, luv, loneliness, n success. I hate ignorants, n conformizm, i rly lik listenin' those who hav sumthin' interestin' to tell at any subject.I'll probably lik yew the way ur, if yew rly r urslf. Am I difficult? well... fortunately tis not mah problem...


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Report | 11/28/2016 8:12 pm


Thank you for buying! I love my returning customers, feel free to come back and ask for discounts ~ emotion_bigheart
Lord Taco69

Report | 11/20/2011 6:35 am

Lord Taco69

Than babe. smile
Lord Taco69

Report | 11/18/2011 9:49 am

Lord Taco69

Well sortof serious lol but I will be figuring out something. :3
Lord Taco69

Report | 11/18/2011 5:27 am

Lord Taco69

Lol it's neither. Just more fustrating than anything
Lord Taco69

Report | 11/16/2011 10:25 am

Lord Taco69

Lol been better lol life is getting stranger and stranger.
Lord Taco69

Report | 11/16/2011 6:06 am

Lord Taco69

Hey sweetie miss you smile

Report | 10/23/2011 2:58 am


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Report | 03/23/2011 5:54 am


Thnx 4 Buying heart

Report | 02/28/2011 8:58 pm


Thanks for buying ^_^

Report | 01/22/2011 12:48 am


No owszem, Międzynarodowe stosunki gospodarcze na UG T___T
Sama sprowadziłam na siebie ten ból xD