
+me not be a skelenwelenton no more *wargh*

+me have not many friends here *weeps*

+me luff the music *mosh*

+me be a hopeless romantic *sighs*
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fankoo to niteshade903 for this wonderful wishlist *huggles*
A girl and a guy were speeding over 100mph on a motorcycle

Girl: Slow down im scared
Guy: No this is fun
Girl: No its not please its to scary
Guy: then tell me you love me
Girl: I love you slow down
Guy: Now give me a big hug
She gave him a big hug
Guy: Can you take off my helmet & put it on yourself its bothering me.

In the newspaper the next day a motorcycle had crashed into a building because of break failure. Two people were on it only one survived. The truth was that halfway down the road the guy realized that the breaks were broke he didn't want the girl to know. Instead he had her hug him and tell him he loved her one last time. Then he had her put his helmet on so that she would live even if it meant that he would die. If you would do the same for the person you love copy this in your profile



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 03/31/2006 2:17 pm


Well when you start getting big donations you would feel bad spending those on something other than they donated towards you getting. So I keep all of my money, and have only spent like 100g in the last 3 months. xD


Report | 03/31/2006 9:09 am


Aww you dont have to. lol, Im poor as well. Well considering the items I want are like in the 200k range. Oh wellz. Later!


Report | 03/31/2006 3:49 am


I heard that little love story thing whatever somewhere before.
It's old...but so coot! <33

Report | 03/30/2006 5:57 pm


lol, Im too addicted to my quest to stray away. I tried once, but it didnt work, xD One day Ill join those guilds. Im off to chill with some friends, later chica


Report | 03/27/2006 5:09 pm


Oh la la. Tis fun, eh? Im so concentrated on my quest I never really leave those forums. Im bored today, I hate days like this. And I want to do something with someone, but I dont want to call them, I want them to call mee. argh


Report | 03/26/2006 1:24 pm


Tis alright, I find it funny xD It will go away in a few days. I normally hang out in the charties/quest forum, cause I have my huge quest and what not. Go horns of the demon! I will get them one day. What about you?


Report | 03/25/2006 5:06 pm


Awwwww I guess I do need to move to England and stalk you properly. Or I can just stalk you on gaia, which seems like the only option I have. Im on my holidays now, tehehe. Im really happy xD Off to go be retarded with friends, later.

Pup pet

Report | 03/21/2006 6:46 pm

Pup pet

It's okaaay. <333
Pup pet

Report | 03/19/2006 4:21 pm

Pup pet

Thanks. :'D
Haha, it depends. I'd probably charge around 5k. But I'd need a header image. <33

Report | 03/17/2006 8:16 pm


Hehe yeah, there is good music scenes here, Im just oblivious to them as I never have time to go to any shows. Im moving to Richmond, Virginia, and they have a really awesome music scene, makes me happy. xD And London sounds amaZing! :jealous:
