
Hmm. What shall I put in this lovely blank column destined to have words? o:

[X] Hewo, this is Myzuh! >XDD
[X] I'm 13.
[X] I live in Alaska, and no, we don't all live in ******** igloos, oh smart one. :]
[X] I love music. My favorite genres are screamo/emo/rock/a tiny bit of metal. Oh, so wonderful.
[X] I love handsanitizer. <3
[X] Kage is always there for me I love him as a brother! Oy, if he died, I'd die. O_O <3
[X] Mandy and Kristin are the bosses.
[X] Reading is like the bestest. I read about fantasy, mostly vampires, or mystery and sometimes adventure.
[X] I like... guys. I am straight... Or am I? o:
[X] I'm a vegitarian. :] No meat for me!
[X] I'm a member of peta2. 8]
[X] I am straightedge. No drugs, alcohol, of cigarettes for me!

[X] I absolutely HATE KFC. He's not my colonel and they torture the poor chickens! evil
[X] Got pus? Milk does. Cow milk.
Ewie! ^^
[X] Drugs are ICKY!!!! XP
[X] Alcoholic drinks smell bad... cuz they are bad.
[X] Comments can't be posted, for some odd reason. :/
[X] I hate ppl who torture animals. >=[

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^^Kristin made that for me!^^
Thanx, Soul Sista!!

And then Renee made this one!

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Isn't it pretty?!
Lmao, tank you!!


Some thoughts of mine...

Love it. Hate it. Kill it. Revive it. Eat it. Spit it out. Throw it. [SIZE=18]Read it.[/SIZE]




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or that? o.O
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