
Hello. You can call me Krayla, or K. Whatever ^_^ I'm 24 (in 2010) and if you haven't guessed by my little graph below I'm atheist through and through. I go to Cleveland State University for Psychology, and like music, anime, manga, reading, writing, sword fighting, martial arts, pretty much everything ^^;;;;

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Viewing 12 of 79 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Vanilla Von Cherry

Report | 02/02/2012 1:59 pm

Vanilla Von Cherry

Awh no problems glad you like her =3
Shotgun Rhinoplasty

Report | 12/18/2011 10:59 am

Shotgun Rhinoplasty

Thank you for buying :3
Anon Valoe

Report | 04/18/2011 7:10 pm

Anon Valoe

[Aww, thank you. > w <]
Dark Nakemi

Report | 09/20/2010 2:41 pm

Dark Nakemi

Loved ur avi and profile whee ~
Beat of Angels

Report | 05/16/2010 6:49 pm

Beat of Angels

Bump. (:Whomever you are please remove me from your friends list. Thank you.

Report | 05/04/2010 7:32 am


Thank you so much for buying n.n

Report | 12/20/2009 4:52 pm


thanks for telling me what the item was, I've been looking for it
no problem for the avi comment, it was the least i could do.
Mourning Star Lucifer

Report | 12/11/2009 7:01 am

Mourning Star Lucifer

Nice! I can't wait to see it! I'll prolly nag my brother into downloading it then, He's been putting it off, telling it wasn't worth the "wasted bandwidth." @.@
And a third one?! Sweet! 4laugh
BTW:: Did this one have William Defoe in it? o;
Mourning Star Lucifer

Report | 11/24/2009 7:47 pm

Mourning Star Lucifer

That would be great! On both accounts. :3
Mourning Star Lucifer

Report | 11/23/2009 4:34 pm

Mourning Star Lucifer

Really?! They aren't releasing it in my neck of the woods after all, which sux! D;
Tell me how it is!

Squee! I love them! Can't wait to see it. ;'D

