
I'm a nerd... geek... dork... whatever word you prefer. My hobbies all revolve around gaming and RPGs. As much as I enjoy my Final Fantasy, Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed, and Shine Megami Tensei, I spend even more time playing D&D. I love roleplaying games. I want a D20 necklace to help gloriously flaunt my nerddom.

If I'm not playing games, I'm probably watching anime or reading manga. There are some really hilarious fanmade parodies out there, too (TeamFourStar has an amazing DBZ parody. Watch it, love it, thank me later.). If you want to know my favorite anime, I couldn't really say, since my tastes change with my mood. I'm not watching anything right now, but I'm currently reading Bakuman, The Breaker, and Rosario~Vampire. I catch up on the Naruto manga once every couple of months as well.

I don't really expect to see (m)any people get excited seeing a nerdy guy talking about his nerdy interests, so you're not going to hurt my feelings if we don't click. But I have a modicum of intelligence, so don't be afraid to poke my brain on the off chance that we might have something else in common.




"The only thing worse than death is to be forgotten."

-Fina; FFIX