
Umm... Well, I don't know what to put here... I might as well start off with my life.

I'll tell you my History just 'cause I feel like it. I was Born in South Korea by a South Korean mother and a Puerto Rican father. He met my mother while he was in the army. 2 and a half months after I was born, we moved to Puerto Rico for about 6 months. Since they couldn't get enough money to sustain us, we moved to America. I lived in Bridgeport for about 8 years (I saw a lot of crazy things), and then we moved to the safer Stratford area. I lived next to a mentally disabled child a year younger than I and we became best friends for 3 years (Not lying or making fun), then we moved to a nicer place in Stratford. I met a lot of terrible people there and after 5 years, we moved. I've been living in Trumbull for 2 years and now I live in Williamsport, PA. I'm only here for about a year (Unless I pick a second major) and I'm not sure if I'll still do it. After that, only God knows.

I became a Christian at the age of 14, ever since then my life has changed. I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior and repented and asked for forgiveness. I really meant these things and now I am happy with Jesus. Truthfully, if I didn't accept Christ, I'd probably be dead right now. He saved me. There were many times where I've wanted to end my life, but Jesus gave me hope and he still does. I don't know why he cares so much about us humans, but I'm very glad he likes us.

Anyways, I like romantic dinners and long horse back rides along the beach while the skies are in twilight... Well, that's not true. I'm just the average teenager living in a collapsing world. Any day now, I think Jesus will take us away, but until them, I'll try my best to glorify him. I like Chess, hanging out out and communicating with friends, but I don't use my phone so much since my family uses most of the minutes. I like learning new and fun things and if something can hold my attention for about 45 minutes (Unlike school), then I'm likely to study it on my own. I like music and I like walking. Sometimes I'd rather walk than drive, weird huh? My favorite part of walking is walking with friends and even if I'm alone, I can look and observe nature, the nature God created. I'm fascinated by forests, to just think, "Wow, through out the history of mankind, all his screaming and yelling hasn't produced a single leaf, but all God had to do was breath." I also like discussing anything about the Bible and odd ball things relating to that. I think it's quite fascinating.

Why don't you tell me about yourself? Just mail me! (And no, I'm not interested in men. I've actually been approached in that way and it makes me utterly uncomfortable. So no, before you get any weird ideas, I'm not gay.)

So yeah... that's a life summary right there.



Viewing 10 of 16 comments.

Call Me Apple

Report | 10/26/2009 5:12 pm

Call Me Apple

Hiyaaa ^^ I saw you in the ED on a thread about the Qur'an. I was surprised to see a Christian in that forum. It seems most ED'ers are Atheist or Pagan in religious views (or lack there of)
It's so great God made an impact on your life, I was raised in Christianity - but i wonder the feeling of "finding God" one One's own... :3

Report | 10/08/2009 2:07 pm


Happy BirthDay^-^
May the Lord bless you espically on this day^^
Vincent the Troll

Report | 02/04/2009 5:12 pm

Vincent the Troll

It was quite a fun debate.
Vincent the Troll

Report | 02/04/2009 4:59 pm

Vincent the Troll

I think I was only trying to explain why it only says man-with-man with the whole Moses thing, but I honestly have no clue.
Vincent the Troll

Report | 02/04/2009 2:18 pm

Vincent the Troll

I remember that conversation! User Image

Speaking of which, I concede. I don't like debating that topic anymore.
Vincent the Troll

Report | 01/12/2009 11:49 pm

Vincent the Troll

I have been reborn as the greatest troll to ever be.
Super 80s

Report | 11/21/2008 12:05 pm

Super 80s

Probably because I'm a douche to people that act stupid. Also, I see you had a brain fart in our debate. User Image
Super 80s

Report | 11/21/2008 11:36 am

Super 80s

Thanks. Once I get banned, my next profile will be using Cats in the Cradle as a theme.
Super 80s

Report | 11/18/2008 10:43 am

Super 80s

Do you know who I am yet? User Image
Vincent the Troll

Report | 11/01/2008 2:47 pm

Vincent the Troll

Sorry it took my so long to reply on that one thread.