
i'm sackk.

i'm a perfectionist, i'm a pyro, and i live and
breath music, i'm currently in a band 'romantic death
threat' i am the lead singer and i write all the lyrics,
all the bands i listen to are pretty much my insperation
too do what i do, that and i belive through music you can
change someones life, you can make them see life threw
your point of view and thats exactly what i want to do, i
want too show everyone threw my music that if we all work
together the world would be a much more plesant place too
be, i'm in love with abstract art, it fasanates me more
than anything in the world, it's so beautiful to look at
but then so violent and hurtful at the same time, its amazing.

i absolutly adore messing around and being wild,
it's one of my favortie things too do, besides writing and
singing music, but i also can be a little bit aggressive,
if you mess with my friends or my band, but most of the
time i'm in a great mood i'm very clam and understandable,
unless i can tell your taking advantage of me, i have
major trust issues because past event's, i don't belive in
love unless someone is willing too prove to me that a boy
and a girl can stay together, for all eternity and be
happy, i hate kissing, cuddlings fun but just the thought
of swaping spit isn't very attractive to me, but anyways,
i am single and it is going to be that way for a while,
because relationships scare me and make me feel committed
and i hate that feeling unless i really like that person
alot, which never happens because if i notice a flaw, like
something i cant stand, then it automatically makes me
dislike you, i mean i'll still talk to you and be your
friend unless you start talking trash and being a jerk,
but other wise we can still be best friends.
i'm getting alot of tattoos, and i'm getting a hoop nose ring on the left side, and then i'm getting a hoop lip ring
on the right side, as soon as possiable, and i'm very
perverted, but i'm deffinatly not a slut, and i'm a shy
person, unless you know me then as you can see i never
shut the ******** up, and you know what i dont care, because
honestly i could go on and on forever about nothing and it
wouldn't matter because, you'd never be bored with me!
seriously, we could talk about anything and some how,
i'd make it interesting, i can always make somoeone smile
no matter what even if you're in the worst mood possiable.
i wish i was shorter sometimes i acctually want to naw half
my legs off so i can be shorter, because i hate being tall,
it really sucks, but anyways if you want to talk i'm always
avalible, and i give great advice, if you need any i'll
gladly give it too you even if i don't know you and it's
about something weird, because i love to help people no
matter what, also labels are for morons call me by my name
thats all or i'll knock your punk a** out, emo means
emotional not someone who cuts themself and pretends they
problums, but the people who do, do that have real
problums not fake ones, because they are willing to hurt
themselfs and that too me is sick, i mean who knows they
might not stop there and if you don't like me or have a
problum with me, then why are you wasting your ********


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S e c k z e t t e

Report | 03/12/2008 5:19 pm

S e c k z e t t e

Aww Thanks :3

ZOMG i read your profile XD we are so alike

Report | 09/29/2007 1:29 pm


Yo. I kinda' knew it was you already, though. xD Heh-heh-heh... Now I know I'm a Narutard! I waited EXTREMELY impatiently for this week's episode of Shippuuden... Kakashi's awesome. ^-^ Annnnnyyywaaaay, hi!

Report | 07/13/2007 9:35 am


hey whats up this is sierra


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Frank Iero and Gerard Way are AH-MAZING!<33