
domo-kun will never die! download this image and upload it back to photobucket!
PM Status ---Friends Only!---NO MORE CHAINS, YAY! i can (but won't) put my pms back on without risking losing my bottom pm to a triple sent chain! (its happened, how does a chain get sent 3 times in the same minute?)
i've started a giftbox by and sell business, and i'm tired of "what did u get" pms
hmmm... gaiacast... sorta like tektek in a way... sorta. and gaiacast died.
scam link in 10,000,000: 4091851
bot selling botted gold in arena forum: 4929657
i am on the naruto section (clearing out the img:gibberish glitch)

made by silver.
I am worth: 608,705 Gold
Estimated with known marketplace values on 12 May 2007
I am worth: 707,175 Gold
Estimated with known marketplace values on 25 May 2007
(Including current gold amount of 101,717)
I am worth: 717,142 Gold
Estimated with known marketplace values on 01 June 2007
(Including current gold amount of 67,423)
I am worth: 776,864 Gold
Estimated with known marketplace values on 29 June 2007
(Including current gold amount of 86,401)
I am worth: 806,248 Gold
Estimated with known marketplace values on 18 July 2007
(Including current gold amount of 60,385)
I am worth: 913,595 Gold
Estimated with known marketplace values on 05 August 2007
(Including current gold amount of 156,441)
that jump was due to massive katana inflation (82k)
I am worth: 1,012,594 Gold
Estimated with known marketplace values on 18 August 2007
(Including current gold amount of 170,613)
this jump was due to katana reaching near 100k each. and i have 3.
I am worth: 1,038,453 Gold
Estimated with known marketplace values on 02 September 2007
(Including current gold amount of 64,587
i invested in august letters. i bought them at under 13k and still have them
I am worth: 1,086,356 Gold
Estimated with known marketplace values on 16 September 2007
(Including current gold amount of 12,875)
I am worth: 1,198,259 Gold
Estimated with known marketplace values on 29 September 2007
(Including current gold amount of 88,82 cool
MORE katana inflation (124k)
I am worth: 1,326,507 Gold
Estimated with known marketplace values on 12 October 2007
(Including current gold amount of 75,509)
as you could probably guess: katanas 144k. plus 263k staff of teh angels.
I am worth: 1,477,762 Gold
Estimated with known marketplace values on 22 October 2007
(Including current gold amount of 46,541)
188k katanas. will they ever stop inflating?
I am worth: 1,612,429 Gold
Estimated with known marketplace values on 08 November 2007
(Including current gold amount of 48,903)
thank you, halloween event! oh, and 306k staff of the angels
I am worth: 1,739,374 Gold
Estimated with known marketplace values on 16 November 2007
(Including current gold amount of 129,435
375k staff, 204k katanas
I am worth: 2,094,451 Gold
Estimated with known marketplace values on 26 November 2007
(Including current gold amount of 16,527)
420k staff, 250k katanas
I am worth: 2,239,061 Gold
Estimated with known marketplace values on 04 January 2008
(Including current gold amount of 25,456)
katanas deflated, but now they are back to 250k.
I am worth: 2,393,507 Gold
Estimated with known marketplace values on 26 January 2008
(Including current gold amount of 58,050)
reported a scam thread. 3768401
hmmm... so Spidargate is telling the gate history? fine, just let me add one thing. i am 420 years old. yes, i am young, especially compared to ra or yu:
lord gateman was one of the lesser system lords (obviously not shown on the show) who had only a few planets and 2 ha'taks. he served under ba'al, but hasnt been contacted recently. at his main planet, (i havent thought of a name, most of this is right off the top of my head), a prior came through the stargate trying 2 convert the jaffa and slaves 2 origin. However, the news of the downfall of the goa'uld had not reached gateman's planet, so they were still loyal 2 lord gateman. after we refused origin, the prior unleashed the prior plague then left, but 4 some unexplained reason, lord gateman had the tau'ri's cure. perhaps from ba'al. when the prior returned later, he was expected and greeted by several jaffa warriors with staff weapons ready. of course, the prior had his shield. then he blew the jaffa back and left.
of course, it was not expected when an ori warship came. it blew up the ha'tak with Laverazgate, the first prime, in it. lord gateman knew he couldnt stand up to the ship. he was not as arrogant as most goa'uld. he had me and his best and most loyal jaffa get into his ha'tak and al'keshes while some of the human slaves got into tel'taks. i was piloting an al'kesh. he had some stay behind 2 lure the ori away. the main group went into orbit and prepared 4 hyperdrive. it seemed that the ori took out the other ships. the ship was heading 4 us. lord gateman had several of the other jaffa get into death gliders to stop the ori's fighters that were being deployed. as we all started firing, a mysterious rift, not hyperdrive opened up. it was pulling us in! all the death gliders and several ori fighters were pulled in also. i was 1 of the last pulled in. as the rift was closing, i watched the warship destroy everything that was not pulled in. once it was closed, the ships were seperated. then i blacked out. when i woke, i found my al'kesh crashed on a strange planet. and i had the bouncy antennae stuck in my head. and the coon tail... i saw that the rift seperated the gates and also, my al'kesh was not working right. some of the control crystals were fried. the other gates eventually found each other. it seems that during that time, Wraithgate became lord gateman's first prime and betrayed him 2 serve the ori, after that being replaced by overlordgate. i was like O_O, Wraithgate, a traitor? it must have been the rift messing up his mind. he was 1 of the most loyal jaffa. speaking of that, almost all of us seem 2 have been mutated by whatever the rift was. and our symbyotes could not cure the conditions. poor SGgate was the worst. a giant squid tail... yeesh... also, some of us got strange new abilites. like me and narutogate's ability 2 perform what we later found out was called "ninjutsu" in this dimension. and also my ability 2 use the antennae as weapons. also, lord gateman seemed 2 not want 2 rule the planet. although, it is probably b/c there r 2 few of us and 2 few ships 2 rule...
at this event called "halloween" on this planet, a few of us drank this zurg energy drink, turning from normal jaffa 2 zurg jaffa! most of our symbyotes didnt like the zurg bodies and had us change back with red bino. the few that kept the bodies became stronger...
I LOVE STARGATE SG-1 AND ATLANTIS!!!!!!!! (i am going to miss SG-1)
if u like stargate, anime, NASCAR, Warhammer 40k, or Advance Wars video games in general, PLEASE feel free to add me!mochi's name is jake!link to wraithgate, i monitor him, hoping to track him down:
http://tinyurl.com/nzmzc^the above is a roleplay! he is a mule of mine, as u should b able 2 tell by the gate in his nmae and the domo stargate post sig
I had a dream (i am much better now):

found this in a sig/


saved for later bumps

fullmetal naruto. lol

(i should try this)

advance wars section

inuyasha / FMA section combos

naruto section



(never seen this guy, who is this scenester?)
stargate section

School bumps in order:
domo bump!
domokun domokun domokun domo!!!
domokun stargate
Naruto bump1
ninja domokun stargate
Bump from School!
domokun stargate
Last school bump:
Final School Bump of the Day!!!
domokun stargate (amount of !s may vary from 3 to 7, I keep forgetting)
School bumps are null and void. the new, non bess blocker blocks gaia, so i cant post anyway!

stargate premeres were awesome! All your base are belong to us! http://tinyurl.com/pemma
must remeber to re add mei-ling xue

my petition signer
i ! i
51LV3R M00NL16H7
kara57 and jumpjump and fangs6x10 and chocobo8624 im not sure of the #s at the end, but its the stupid chgailetters that do it!
also, i should put in lil_deezy_gangsta b4 his gets deleted by ur mutherfrakking chainletters! no more chains XD
[img:08367f9556]http://tinypic.com/svkthw_th[/img:08367f9556] stargate
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