My mottos:
Ive made up my mind, dont confuse me with facts...
When all else fails, play dead (si totus alius deficio , lascivio mortuus)
Indecision may or may not be my problem
If we werent all crazy, we'd all go insane
Name: Aairo Heart
Age: 18
Sex: Andro
Sexual Orientation: Omni-sexual, or Pan sexual
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 185
Body Type: Skinny but works out (all my weight is in my muscles, I look around 125)
Religious Views: Pagan
Hobby: Drawing anime, I may post pics later. Writing stories. LARPing.
Favorite Food: Sushi and Ice cream (not put together though)
Favorite Books: All non-retarded manga, and all fantasy, and scifi, and adventure, especially Doctor Who and Star Trek
Favorite TV shows: All non-retarded Anime, And Fantasy and scifi and adventure, house, monk, psych, two and a half men, how i met your mother, the old sponge bobs, married with children, the big bang theory, Chris angel, old Christine, glee, ghost hunters (taps, international, and academy), and DOCTOR WHO!
Favorite music: Anything but most Rap
Favorite Movie: Currently, Lord of the rings, and Boys Don't Cry (sad a** movie, T^T)
Favorite Genre: Fantasy, Sci-fi, Adventure, Renaissance, Comedy, Anime, Ghost/Horor
Favorite Anime: Currently Saiyuki
Favorite Anime Character: Cho Hakkai
Cosplays: Cho Hakkai, Inuyasha, Kakashi sensei
Likes: Philosophy, Medieval things, anime, music, Role Playing, etc.
Dislikes: Sad things and stupid people.
Me now (i drew this one, I will put up other pics of the actual me when I get my cam and glasses fixed (I'm clumsy))
-First they put away the dealers,keep our kids safe and off the street. Then they put away the prostitutes, keep married men cloistered at home. Then they shooed away the bums, then they beat and bashed the queers, turned away asylum-seekers, fed us suspicions and fears. We didn't raise our voice, we didn't make a fuss. It's funny there was no one left to notice when they came for us-
Crazy? i was crazy once, they put me in a room with a dot on the wall, and I counted the dot, one one one, then I died, they put me in the ground with lots of bugs, man those bugs drove me crazy... Crazy? i was crazy once...
Avi Art People did for my avi
by Sumeriian
by Heads in my Fridge
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