
i like anime, animals,reading, music, and languages
the anime i like are naruto, bleach, fruit basket, dn angel just to name a few i like just about all types of music except country and jazz and stuff like that
some music people i like are afi, my chemical romance, cradle of filth, aerosmith pink floyd, ciera, shakira, and daddy yankee just to name a few
im trying to learn german and japanese
im a little odd but i can be serious im 13
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Your soul is at peace. You are quiet and kind. You are a graceful person. You tend to scare people by your quietness. Your are a great person.

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You are.........(drum roll starts)........Completely Stupid!!!why?Because you waisted your time taking this quiz.

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You are the wise angel. Your soul is as calm as the sea... Until someone ruffles your feathers. Then you become the Warrior Angel. You are quick to hand out needed information, and you are quick to join a battle. You like to fight, but you only do so when nessacery. Remember-your first priority is to help others with their probelms!

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You are caught doing things differently. You don't care who sees you or what they see you doing, you'll do what your mind's set to do.

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you are a wolf demon!!!! yay for you... you seem like a loner. wen realy your vary sochal. just only with your friends.

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You have a mournful soul....you may have lost, or be missing somebody close to you. If not...you're just sad about something in your life...or otherwise depressed a lot of the time.

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You are a misunderstood soul. You know what you like. Often you are shy to show what an artist you are. You are put down by what you do. you try to hide your feelings. You are often shy to speak in what you think is right.

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You are a confused and lost personality. You constantly question matters and wonder why this is this and that is that. I'm not saying it's a bade thing. It's good that you are a curious soul in the world but sometimes, you get a little too carried away and others might start to think you are a crazy person. But, even though you ask plenty of questions, that doesn't mean you love school. You enjoy more of being a free spirit than being told what to do. You don't talk much because of your shyness towards elders but you love being by the oceans and outdoors where plenty of animals roam.

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lay off the suger man, or at least get help!!!

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waterYou have water. You are bubbly and free-spirted you aren't afraid to cry and are always yourself.

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A Clean Soul

Your angel seeks for a clean soul. Your angel is part of you. Thus, you are the kind of person who values innocence more than most things in this world. You are aware of all the people now in this world with unclean souls and thoughts. But you strife to keep your clean one, avoiding the pollution of the evil things in this world. In love, you seek for someone just like you. You aren't for the badboy, but you love the clean, good smelling boy in stories. Go you!
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~*~Result nr 8~*~

Your power is: Extreme healing powers
Explanation: When injured your body focuses on the wound and heals rapidly, within a few seconds. This makes you pretty much hard to kill and you can help people in danger using yourself as a shield. Almost anything is possible in combat but you prefer looking after others. In bad purposes you can do the same as above but for evil intentions.
This power fits you pretty good since you want to help those around you, and when you are pretty much unstopable, that's not an obsticle. You are caring and nurturing and are more a pascifist. Even if you know there are much unfairness in the world you still chose to see from a positive angle because you belive in the good of this world. You are probably friendly and have a soft spot for people who are not accepted. Though to others you come of as naive and gullible. You could be taken advantagde of if the wrong person comes around. Even if you could be seen as pure, you are not that completely since you're human and make mistakes too.
Negative aspects: If your naiveness has been making you blind for too long you could go into dark thinking.

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Dreamer FaerieYou are the Dreamer Faerie. You are extremely thoughtful, and sometimes outgoing. Most of the time, however, you prefer working alone rather than with others. You are also creative and have an overall friendly personality.Wings: Gray and redPower: Dreams/wishesSexual appeal: Some people think you act a little childish, but incidentally many guys find this very attractive (as long as you don't overdo it, of course).What you look for in a guy: To you, the ideal man would be very tall, dark-haired and blue- or green-eyed. You need someone fun to hang out with but at the same time a partner that you can engage in intelligent conversations.

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Your the happy/hyper angel! You are a very sweet angel, you love sweets especially sugar! You have a very child-like attitude towards life. You always have a smile on your face and your always perky and happy. You love to hang out with your friends and family, because you have the most fun with them! You also have TONS of friends! Some people think your a little to happy and they say your annoying. Just ignore them, kay? Just keep being your happy self! Favorite color: All the colors of the rainbow!! Favorie animal: Butterflies! Favorie flowers: Daisies Favorite sweets: SUGAR!!! Favorite number: 7 Element: Wind

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Your connection with darkness is through your murderous ways/thoughts. You want to kill, get away with it, and do it again and again etc. To be in charge of peoples lives, to decide if someone should live or die makes you feel powerful. And power is addicting. But chances are you haven't commited murder(torture/rape) yet. So far these thoughts stay inside and haven't come to life. Most people wouldn't expect you to want to do this (maybe close friends/family) since you look just like an ordinary Joe, -but sometimes these types stand out. In school you were likely the quiet one who seemed harmless. Isn't is fun to prove people wrong?

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Your word is: Brood. You are a true thinker and often try to figure out the meaning of life, why we are all here etc. You may not be so social, and often think twice before acting but those thoughts you have in your mind never stop flowing in. Sometimes you can be so concentrated you forget about other things that you have to do. Don't change, this world needs deep people.

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The satisfied - The desireless
Not greedy by nature, the Satisfied knows of what they have achieved and earned, and feels content with that. Materialistic impulses happen rarely, if ever, and they don't value possessions and trends nearly as much as most do. The Satisfied usually have a calm personality and tend to be full of care, whether they are open with it or not. Of course they can be selfish, but their selfless nature proceeds that by far.
Downsides are that the Satisfied may be taken advantage of, in the likes of favours per se. It is in their nature to help, and they can be big push-overs when it's about injustice towards themselves. Also, since they don't want to bother their peers and close ones, they keep most of their problems inside. If this builds up they may start to suffer in silence, a completely unnecessary act.
Because they have a hard time to say no, and since people may use them, with time the Satisfied could grow hateful and distrusting. However, it appears now, that they are not. They reckon that some people are bad news and stay away from them. They stay with their own group of trusted people instead. As the Satisfied's name implies, they don't seem to have any dreams or goals. That is a perception not quite true. As any other human being, they do have them. But the difference is, that the Satisfied are content with their life even if the dream would not come true.
Quote:"It is not length of life, but depth of life." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 06/17/2009 7:41 am



Report | 08/05/2008 9:07 am


Try this out this is really works! send this in:

5 people - 500g

10 people - 1k

15 people - 10k


Report | 08/04/2008 8:33 am


copy/paste this to 10 ppl and then press F5 and F9 and you will get 100,000 gold it rocks

Report | 07/12/2008 11:49 am



Report | 10/12/2007 11:42 pm



Report | 09/28/2007 1:28 pm


hi nicole how r u

Report | 08/27/2007 1:44 pm


hi nicole

Report | 08/17/2007 10:41 am


nicolechange your pro it's old!!!

Report | 08/12/2007 6:20 am



what's up?

i won't log on very much anymore but...

anyways, nice profile!

do ya like my new look?

Report | 07/31/2007 8:26 am


hiya nicole!


Shino! If you like bugs you're lucky, but if you don't like, he'll do the best for not scaring you! For dating you Shino is the best.

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Item List:
Anti-Terror Forest Helmet
Black Workjeans
Blue Wulf Boots
Blue Wulf Gloves
Blue Wulf Tail
Crossed Sports Bra
Wooden Baseball Bat

Estimated Total: 11,149 Gold
(Estimated with known item values on 25 November 2http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-xLn80sQYc006)