
I mainly play on the forums.

I don't take sides. If you have a good point in one thread but say something stupid in another, I'll support you on one and call you out on the other. Don't take it personally, just don't say stupid things.

Also, I'm collecting awesome people so if I add you and we haven't spoken, that's why. Feel free to add me if you're awesome.


Viewing 10 of 14 comments.


Report | 02/23/2012 9:04 pm


thanks for the tip ;D

Report | 02/23/2012 1:17 am


Well, it was good talking to you. You seem mature-ish. more-so than I had expected after you were rude to my friend. You're nice though, but I must go, my friend is in need and my phone is in no-man's land. Goodnight and I hope nothing I said offended you. smile
Its Ella Fellas

Report | 05/14/2010 10:06 pm

Its Ella Fellas

Thanks for buying!
rickety rackety

Report | 04/26/2010 9:48 pm

rickety rackety

aw honey, i accept all kinds here.
start with your name!
Elke Kohn

Report | 04/26/2010 8:59 pm

Elke Kohn

West coast for me, actually. I'm an Oregonian.

Report | 04/26/2010 2:38 pm


thanx for buyin!!!!
Elke Kohn

Report | 04/26/2010 2:08 am

Elke Kohn

Where do you live, or what time zone are you in? Not sure what late night would be for me, for you.
I just kind of drift in and out of Gaia, whether it be a day's period or just overall.
Working on actually being on more, if I could find people actually worth coming on for.
Elke Kohn

Report | 04/26/2010 1:04 am

Elke Kohn

Ahaa. I quite like what I've seen of you in the forums tonight, I'll keep my eyes open for you in the future.
Maybe at some point we'll get to know each other. Or I can just continue to quietly smirk to myself behind the screen when you post.

Report | 03/26/2010 12:07 am


oh why thank you for the fr.
Quokka Flocka Flame

Report | 03/22/2010 4:36 pm

Quokka Flocka Flame

Haha, no kidding. Thanks for the friend request! heart


-I don't hate you, I just hate the stupid things you do and say-
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