
My Dream Avatar User Image One day I will have the 4million needed for this ! xD

My name is Diana. =) You know, like the Princess. But I'm not the princess, although I act like one at times. ;D I also go by Dee. I like either, but don't call me anything else. Unless you have permission. I'm quite demanding but once you get past my initial snobbyness, you'll love me. For sure. x) I was born on June 21st, SUMMER SOLSITICE ! <3 Gaia is kind of odd, and has it at June 20th? 21st is cooler. ;D

I'm extremely new to this, but I am trying to get the hang of it. If you'd like to give me your sympathy, I'd appreciate gifts. ;D Even tips on effectively using the site would be nice. I wasn't going to join... but my bestfriend and my boyfriend insisted. Mhmm, they should give me gifts, shouldn't they ? xD Actually, they won't... well my bestie ( Adorkably Crunk ) won't, because she's "questing." Why is saving up for an item called Questing ? It's not a quest, you don't physically travel and journey off to get your item. xD

Facebook is my first love. =) Actually... no, I used to be all Neopets ! xD I'm over that, and now apparently I'm gaia-ing. Wonderful. See, my boyfriend is asking if I'm addicted yet. xD No, I'm not. =) I might end up addicted, slightly... But MINT SPRAY will always win. Whoever thinks otherwise ( aka Hamnah ) fails. Yes, you do.

Speaking of failing... I can't fail. D; I have a terrible phobia of failing. Right now, I'm worried about failing at the Regional Speech Contest I'm going to. My speech topic is Designer Babies, I'm against it. Agh, too many people... D: I'm like almost hyperventiliating. And my other thing I am scared of failing is my 30 day music famine. You've all heard of the 30 Hour Famine, but the 30day Music famine is different. For 30 days, I'm not listening to any music except for Christian music. =)

Speaking of Christianity, I'm extremely religious. =) God = <3 Love. I've been going to church since I was little but my heart has only truly accepted him as my saviour about a few months ago. God Bless You.

Love, it's all we need. I love my friends, my family and my boyfriend ( aka HolyWaffles ) =) <3 I also love American Idol & America's Next Top Model. Unfortunately, my famine isn't letting me watch idol. D: But that's alright. Anything for God. ^^

I'm really quite girly. =) I have a lot of clothes apparently. I don’t think I’ll ever have enough. Clothes are something that I love, quite a bit. xD I know a lot of people probably think, wow spoiled kid. But seriously, they do show your uniqueness. Although if all you wear is brand names and stuff, you do become quite cloned. But you can make brand name clothing unique to you. You can start off by shopping for just the stuff at the store that matches you. Then you must make sure you have accessories that define you. But the most important thing is, clothes are just clothes. It’s how you wear them that makes you stand out. =)

Wow, I forgot to mention my heritage. xD I was born in Seoul, South Korea. It bothers me quite a bit when people either don’t know the difference between South Korea and North Korea or if they automatically assume I’m from North Korea. I am very proud of my heritage and what I know of the culture, which isn’t much at all. I can speak Korean decently, not well. I’m quite determined to be able to still be able to speak fluent Korean when I’m older, as it was originally my first language. I moved to Canada when I was 4; so even now, at the age of 13, I speak English more fluently than Korean. My French is not better than my Korean yet, thank goodness, but I do hope to be able to speak 3 languages fluently by the time I finish High School.

In school and out of school, I'm involved in quite a bit. You can say I'm outgoing. =) I love the feeling of being productive, being busy, etc. I work quite well under stress, although I freak out more than often. One of the things my extra-curriculars are based on is flute. I play flute, I think quite well. =) I'm in 2 of my school bands, a marching band, and an Honour Ensemble Concert Band.

In my free time, I think I'm probably going to gaia. xD But I love to photoshop. =) I used to do editing contests a lot in Facebook. I'm doing that a lot less now, I think I've gotten sick of editing pointless pictures. =) Now, you might ask, what are non-pointless pictures? Pictures of my friends and I, of course. xD Ahaha, yes, if you haven't figured it out, I am a camwhore. ;O <3 One, two, three, CLICK. xD

One day, I want to photoshop a picture of me flying. I want to fly, always have. So there's the basis for my name. ForeverFlyingDee. <3 Forever is also my favourite word. Such a wonderful word, no ? It gives me hope that there is a forever, and if nothing lasted forever, why would there be the need for the word ? =)

So stay happy. Congratulations of getting through this. Maybe one day we'll all fly together forever. <3 God Bless You. ^^



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 04/21/2009 4:24 pm


-- Come out of nowhere and bear tackles --

Tadaa ~

A z i l i a L o v e e

Report | 04/20/2009 12:02 pm

A z i l i a L o v e e

Why hello Diana :3

(tis Christina, who stalked you from Justin's profile xD)

Report | 04/15/2009 1:18 pm


You changed it again O:

XD Yahh.

Report | 04/15/2009 1:16 pm




sold meh slippehs for 80k. (:

How ish chuu?

Report | 04/14/2009 2:31 pm


- Reads about meh on profile -

Why ish it SOOO long D:

- Faints from reading. @___@;; -

Report | 04/13/2009 4:27 pm


awee lo/eyoutoo

Report | 04/13/2009 4:20 pm


awwee <3
mentioned 3 times ;D

Report | 04/13/2009 4:17 pm


oh alrite ^^

Report | 04/13/2009 4:14 pm


read your about me?

Report | 04/13/2009 4:12 pm


miss you too ><
xD any suggestions