Well, i changed my profile AGAIN!
smile about myself:
i enjoy manga, anime and videogames: i fit the picture of otaku: tall flatchested glasses pale and a serious addiction to all things japanese.
my bestest friends roam around on here day to day: mini hamu and black fire fairy.
i curresntly have three guinea pigs, a rabbit, a horse, and a mildly retarded dog.
i enjoy whatever current phase im in that day, sometimes i wanna take pictures, some days i wanna garden, some days i wanna be lathargic, it all depends.
im not the social type so i don't have a lot of "close friends" just alot of aquaintences.
it's summer right now and i put minimal effoort into moving about my humble abode, but i've actually lost about 8 lbs since school, weird i no.
i try and make new avi's every so often so keep ur i's peeled!
my current favorite game is odin sphere and shining force EXA.
I'm not a picky eater as long as your don't feed me what i don't like
smile tomatoes
and avacado
Dumb stuff i gotta do.
Oh God...
this is just random crap i like. not much right now.
i drew this!! if you want one let me know!
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