this is also kind of a sorry note to all of my good friends in missouri....I know that after I came back from Calif, I had changed. Alot. And in more ways than one. I didn't really interact with any of u guys, except kagome-chan and I had this invisible shield(don't we all have that sometimes in our lives?) around me.

Being away I forgot what it was like to have true friends..everybody in Cali wants to be your friend...but they all only do it so that they can further themselves. I think I was unsure if I'd be accepted(silly, I know) back and I knew I had changed. Not only that, but there were so many new peeps in "the group" that I was thrown for a loop. They didn't know me 'before' so why would they want to know me now?

They were happy where they were and..well, no matter if that's the truth or not, that is the way I saw it. Stuff happened in Cali that I'm not proud of and sort of screwed with my head.

I made one good friend in cali..he sorta reminded me of u guys, ya 'know?I was there playing tough, without my intermediate family or friends to watch my back..but he saw right through me. He picked me up when I almost gave up..made me feel like I had a purpose in life and that eventually things would get better. The card and letters from u all..made me cry..and you all know..Andrea doesn't cry. This is just both a thank-you and i'm sorry. So..wanna try again...friends?

-the once lost HellbentAngel, Andrea Falahi