hey my name is Eloisa blaugh
nice 2 meet cha guys~! blaugh
well.. im sort of scared of men... but im gonna get over it sooner or later~ sweatdrop
well if i have describe my self I am: wahmbulance
1. Polite wahmbulance
2. Cute 3nodding
3. Honest 3nodding
4. Simple smile
5. Shy sweatdrop
6. Silent neutral
7. A person who can keep secretes wink
8. Anime Lover heart whee
9. Manga Lover heart whee
10. Japan Lover heart whee
what i like: dramallama what i dislike: wahmbulance
1. Anime heart 1. Perverts scream
2. Manga heart 2. Bullying gonk
3. Japan heart 3. (some) Chinese food stare
4. Strawberries heart 4. Pigs wahmbulance
5. Cats heart 5. Frogs wahmbulance
6. Dogs (Husky) heart 6. Very Sunny Day burning_eyes
7. Clothes heart
8. Cute stuff (etc.) heart
9. Cold weather heart
10. Sweets heart
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