Total Value: 110,090 Gold
After Exclusions: 101,065 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Adoring FansCoon TailBlack Leather BeltNatural Jade Oblong BeadsThose Black 90s GlovesPlatinum Gray Pinstripe VestYellow MehTRO T with Cross:B Brown Paper BagLight Purple Leg WarmersGray Peasant BootiesRed Tiger PantsHello my name is Kinaflarusrexasaurohobnebia.
I am 1,347,691 years old.
I was born on the continent Pangaea. Like whoa. This should not shock you for I am 1,347,691 years old. Back in my day we had pet dinosaurs and over-sized cockroaches. I live in the ocean with some mermaids and sharks. So if you have any questions, PM me. =)
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