
I hate abouts but whatever. I am 17 and in my junior year of high school and I'm bi. I am also a Wiccan. My favorite colors are Black, Orange, Blue, Silver, and Blood Red. I am an emo, punk, goth mix type of a girl. I tend to move between the three of them depending on how I feel. Now don't start calling me a poser cause I can guarantee you that I'm not. I just have my own way of being myself. Now you're probably reading and think 'She's emo! She must cut herself or something.' ...I hate it when people classify emo just by the stereotype of them cutting all the time. Not all emo's cut themselves or harm them selves in any way.

I love anything to do with Vampires or Werewolves. I love reading books about them and books that take place in their point of view. My favorite series about them are the Twilight Series and Vampire Kisses. I am currently collecting the Vampire Kisses series and want both novel and manga form complete. If I could I would paint my room black and have pure vampire and werewolf stuff all around.

For hating this part of my profile I sure wrote a lot. Oh well, can't be helped. If you want to add me as a friend go right on ahead but don't expect me to talk to you much. If you want to be generous and help out with any quests I'm doing, I will greatly appreciate it. If you actually read all this then I applaud you for actually taking your time to get to know me a little better.

This is me and if you want to see more pics go to my facebook or myspace to see them. Pm me if you want the links to them.

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Total Value: 1,463,074 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Black Fishnet Stockings
Black Net Top
Black Glamrock Belt
Gray SKA shoes
Year of the Tiger
Neutral Starter Rocker Girl Top
Satin Hairbow

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Viewing 12 of 25 friends


Nekoi's crazy blog


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

-Pats Illusion-

Report | 09/12/2016 3:08 pm

-Pats Illusion-

Come back!!! smile

Report | 02/21/2009 5:56 pm


poke ello

sorry i just felt like talking to a random person

Report | 11/10/2008 3:06 pm


Hello ^___^

Report | 06/27/2008 7:52 am


wow pretty cool profile. i like your about me even if you dont like it. i used to practice wiccan but well i dont anymore. i am agnostic now. people label me alot as emo or goth because i wear black and stuff but i am not really any of those. i am just me. User Image

Report | 06/27/2008 12:18 am


thx for shoppin~!

Report | 06/26/2008 6:50 pm


thanx for the purchase

Report | 01/27/2008 7:10 am


awesome profile. jrock User Image

Report | 01/20/2008 3:50 pm


kwl pro

Report | 12/25/2007 2:18 pm


Thanks for the Buy. Come visit again. Please & Thanks You.
XxXx The Jester xXxX

Report | 12/01/2007 8:00 pm

XxXx The Jester xXxX

hey person


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You Know you want to help my PIkachu's get me this headband...
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