I'm just a person who loves to write, even if the only real writing I get done is through RP. I have my other interest, like playing Overwatch 2, and watching video's on youtube.
This is a very old account, and if I'm honest I completely forgot this existed. Kind of a good thing to, because I went back and read my about me, and oh my god. It shared way to much, and some of the things said made me sound like an idiot. Best I can do is attempt to start a new on this account. First step, is my redoing about me.
Also, if you like to RP you're welcome to PM and we can figure out if we're a good match or not. I also have a search thread in forums.
Emi's World
Just a collection of things. From Posts for gold, which are private, to old writings. Even new writings if I want.
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