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Lockstep's avatar

Report | 11/17/2011 5:21 pm


"Calm down Karu we need him alive!" He got the man back onto his feet "Consider yourself under arrest, wolf." Matt took a pair of handcuffs out of his bag and put them on the boss. "Good work Karu!" He gave her a hug "Now lets get this b*****d to the police."
Lockstep's avatar

Report | 11/17/2011 4:59 pm


"Lets move." He said. They entered the meeting place "Well well well, who is this we've got here?" The shadow man said. "This would be our Ninja, Sir." He said. Another man emerged from the Shadows, he was tall, but slightly shorter then Matt. He looked too be in his 60s'; Finally, they meet the Wolf face too face."You must be the boss" Matt said. "That would be me; wheres your suit boy?" Wolf said. "I changed into something a bit more maneuverable in so I could actually catch her this time, you must excuse me." Matt lied too the man. Wolf walked up too Karu close and took off her mask "So this is our little problem, eh? You must know, we don't like your type." The elderly man said. "Really, Then I cant imagen you'll like me too much!" He let go of Karu and fired a shot off at one of the thugs so he wouldn't open fire on them, he nailed him strait in the heart. "Dammit! Ryan, Ed, Get them!!!" Wolf screamed as he ran for cover.
Lockstep's avatar

Report | 11/17/2011 3:21 pm


He smiled at her "You keep it, you stopped me and my criminal ways" he handed back the money too her and laughed. "Well, lets go you dastardly good-doer." He said playfully. They headed to the roof level of the hotel and began to make their way to the meeting place. They finally arrived at the meeting place, an old abandoned warehouse. "Here we are; for the sake of us not getting shot once we walk in, and for shits in giggles, I'm going too walk you in like I have control over you." He told Karu
Lockstep's avatar

Report | 11/17/2011 3:11 pm


"Christ your quick." He laughed "Good work back there my friend" He smirked. "Well, now its time too finish this, let me just get into my hunting gear and we'll be on our way. So we don't alarm the New Yorkers, we should probably travel from the roof tops." He said. While it was true that a man toting his garbs and weaponry and a ninja running around with swords and guns would probably startle most by standers, his main reason was an excuse for him to do some Parkour. The Hunter walked into the bathroom and got changed, he came back out and looked at Karu resting on her bed. "You ready?"
Lockstep's avatar

Report | 11/17/2011 2:58 pm


He and the others ran out of the bank and back to the meeting place "Hold on too my revolver for me will ya? I kinda need that thing" He whispered into his radio. They entered the meeting place. "Where the hells' the money boys?!" the shadowy figure said. "Steve isn't lieing, some Ninja chick stopped us dead in our tracks!" One of the thugs replied.
"If that's so, we'd better tell the boss, I'm sure he wont be happy about this." ((Blah blah blah he calls the boss and tells him you stopped s**t he puts a hit out on you blah blah blah.)) "I'll go after her." Matt said. "You? You just got you a** handed too ya TWICE by her!" the shadowy figure replied. "I'll get her this time I swear, I want some revenge!" Matt told the man. "Just bring her back here, the boss want too deal with her himself!" the thug said. "Fair enough, I'll be back when I find this girl." He said. 'Ahhhh, I love it when a plan comes together' Matt thought too himself. He walked out of the meeting place and headed back to the hotel "Alright Karu, meet me back at the hotel room, its time too put you into 'custody'" The Hunter said into his radio with a laugh.
Lockstep's avatar

Report | 11/17/2011 2:46 pm


"REAL JOB? This is a real job; taking from others!" He fired his revolver at her once again missing her. "Why!" Miss "Cant!" miss "I!" miss "Hit!" miss "You!" Click click click. "s**t!" he yelled out.
Lockstep's avatar

Report | 11/17/2011 2:39 pm


Despite the situation Matt laughed at what Karu said too the guard, he wasn't expecting an out burst like that from her. "Oh please, you might have won last time but you sure as hell arrant taking me down this time!" He shoved his companion. 'I'm sorry Karu' he thought.

Lockstep's avatar

Report | 11/17/2011 2:27 pm


"God dammit! Would you leave us the hell alone!" He pointed his revolver at her and fired, missing purposely. "Sit still damn you!" He yelled, attempting to make this believable.
Lockstep's avatar

Report | 11/17/2011 2:17 pm


"Then take them both out, I'll attempt too retaliate and you take me out, Quickly!" He said into his radio He followed the two thugs into the bank and looked at Karu and gave her a wink in an attempt too signal her to attack the three of them.
Lockstep's avatar

Report | 11/17/2011 3:41 am


"Alright, Lets go boys." They headed back toward the bank, the two men had AK-47s in hand and Matt still had his good old revolver. "Karu, we're gonna lay these two idiots down nice and easy, you take one and I'll take the other." He whipsered into his radio "What was that Steve?" one man said. "Hmmmh? Oh, nothing. Just thinking too my self what we're gonna do with all this money out loud." He lied again. They arrived in front of the bank "Alright, you two head in first; I'll be attacked right away if I go in right now." He told them. "Yeah, what ever kid." one of them said. Matt had too stop himself from telling them off, he'll get his pay back soon anyway. The two men headed into the bank side by side "HANDS UP, THIS IS A ROBBERY!"
Lockstep's avatar

Report | 11/16/2011 7:01 pm


The Hunter ran back too the meeting place "So wheres the money Kid?" the Man asked as he appeared from the shadows. "First off, I'm no freaking kid, you refer to me as SIR." He said sternly "Second; some Ninja stopped me dead in my tracks." "Sounds like a loada' s**t!" The man said. "Oh I'll give you a load a sh-" The Hunter stopped himself. 'Dont let your goddamn temper get the better of you Matt, you've gotta treat these guys with the respect they don't deserve.' he thought to himself. "Excuse me?" the man said in an angered tone. "Sorry, you must excuse me, that was quite frustrating being stopped like that. Anyway, I think i'm going too need help with this one" Matt said too the man. "I still don't believe you, but I'm going too send you in with two of our boys. Jones, Ryan, you're going too help Steven here rob that bank." Two larger men came out of the shadows and stood by Matts side.
Lockstep's avatar

Report | 11/16/2011 6:41 pm


The Hunter fell too the ground with a thud. From his several years of acting, he was quite good at faking things. "Son of a b***h!" He 'threw' a fake kick at Karu but was blocked.
Lockstep's avatar

Report | 11/16/2011 6:36 pm


Before Matt walked into the door he threw a ski mask over his face so he wouldn't be identified. He walked through the doors and took out his pistol and aimed fired it off at the wall once "HANDS IN THE AIR, THIS IS A STICK UP, DON'T MAKE IT A MURDER!" He yelled out, the Hunter had a very loud yell, several bank tellers and even the guard were startled by him. He looked at Karu "Dammit, not you!" He said, playfully of course.
Lockstep's avatar

Report | 11/16/2011 6:24 pm


The negation continued ((blah blah blah I don't feel like writing this entire thing out)) "Alright your in, you're first assignment will be too break into the Bank of America just up the street from here, it shouldn't be much of a challenge for someone with your background so we're sending you out alone, return here with the money." The man said. "Will do, how much of that money will I be cut?" The Hunter asked, not that he really intended to do their deed. "Just do it" The man said sternly. The Hunter left the meeting place and began too walk up the street "I'll assume you heard that Karu, meet me near the bank." The Hunter said into his radio.
Lockstep's avatar

Report | 11/16/2011 6:13 pm


"Alright." The Hunter handed Karu a small radio "I'm going too leave the radio transmitting so you can hear the conversation, if things go bad you know what too do." He walked to the door "Wish me luck" He said as he left the room. He walked down the hall and onto the elevator, and headed out of the Hotel. 'Alright Matt, act calm and keep your cool; everything should work out' he thought too himself. About 20 mins later he got too the meeting place, a man in a dark trench coat approached him, due to the darkness of the area he couldn't exactly make out what the person looked like. "You the guy looking too work with the Black Market Mafia?" The Man asked. "That would be me, Sir." They shook hands "Whats your name?" the shadowy man asked. 'Alright Matt think of a name' The hunter thought too himself. "Steven Miller" He lied.
Lockstep's avatar

Report | 11/16/2011 6:01 pm


Matt hopped out of the shower and dried off. He grabbed his suit and threw it on and walked out of the bathroom, he grabbed his revolver and put it into his suit coats' breast pocket. Finally he put on his boots, put his small emergency pocket knife into them and of course; put on his shades. "You ready?" He said too Karu.
Lockstep's avatar

Report | 11/16/2011 5:53 pm


"Its a useful yet annoying trait. I mean, if I'm attacked in my sleep, chances are I could retaliate. But being short on sleep is no fun" He smirked. "Well, time to get ready for the day I guess; I'm gonna catch a quick shower" The Hunter walked into the bathroom and shut the door, after a minute or so he hopped into the warm shower. This was a luxury for him because generally on hunts he was stuck outside camping, a nice cozy hotel room was a great change for him.
Lockstep's avatar

Report | 11/16/2011 5:45 pm


"As good as I always do I suppose, I never really get a full night of sleep due to all the thoughts that are constantly on my mind." He shrugged "Not too bad though, I guess." He sipped his coffee and finished it "You want anything else too eat or drink? I need you alert today in case anything goes wrong with this negotiation." He looked back at the clock '7:30' and looked back at Karu "Although as a Ninja I'm pretty sure your ALWAYS alert." He added.
Lockstep's avatar

Report | 11/16/2011 5:32 pm


The Hunter had an grin on his face "You don't have too drink if you don't like it." He said with his laughter impairing his speaking. He sipped his coffee "mmmmmh, nothin' better then a cuppa' black coffee in the morning." He yawned, Matt was never a morning person, but due too his job it required getting up earlier then his target so he'd have more time too plan and act. He looked back at Karu "You sleep well?"
Lockstep's avatar

Report | 11/16/2011 12:13 pm


The hunter laid in his bed, half awake. His mind was processing several scenarios of how this operation would work; Suddenly an alarm went off, the Hunter let out a groan. He looked over at the alarm clock, it read '7:00 am', he reached over and hit the alarm button to shut the thing off. He got out of bed slowly and began too make some coffee, after a few minutes he poured it into two cups "Mornin' Karu" He softly. "How do you like your coffee?"
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