
Hiya! I'm Eimi ! (/( o w o)) I am a 24 year old individual who loves obsessives over things like anime, manga and video games. My absolute favorite anime currently: Black Butler, Attack on titan, & Pandora Hearts! The long list of anime that belong in my heart is a long and beautiful one. Now when i'm not obsessively fawning over certain anime, I'm busy playing my 3DS. I absolutely love video games. Animal crossing new leaf, harvest moon and pokemon. > w < Lastly a favorite need to mention game is skyrim. DEATH TO THE STORMCLOAKS! or whatever I feel like killing at the time. <3


Viewing 12 of 60 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 03/16/2022 8:48 pm


Love your avi! heart
queen sansa

Report | 09/04/2019 2:35 pm

queen sansa

blaugh heart
queen sansa

Report | 07/01/2019 5:24 pm

queen sansa

emotion_kiss emotion_kirakira
queen sansa

Report | 12/01/2018 7:50 am

queen sansa

emotion_kiss emotion_kiss emotion_kiss
queen sansa

Report | 03/14/2018 5:54 pm

queen sansa

I’m* lol
queen sansa

Report | 03/14/2018 5:54 pm

queen sansa

K will do! In ready!!!
queen sansa

Report | 03/13/2018 8:40 pm

queen sansa

only a few more days fufufufufu
queen sansa

Report | 03/07/2018 3:40 pm

queen sansa

Oh very good just so happy that it’s yOUR BIRTHDAYYYYYYY!!!!! HAPPY BDAY MOON OF MY LIFE heart heart heart heart
queen sansa

Report | 03/06/2018 7:25 pm

queen sansa

Chuuuuuuu u3u
queen sansa

Report | 02/25/2018 12:55 pm

queen sansa

it’s cuz I’m working now gonk

if we can meet up soon that would be great

