
User Image

I ENJOY: Creepy artwork, Cheez-its, Anchovie Pizza, things that taste horrible to other people, Yaoi, Yuri, A ton of Anime and Mangas, Japanese Horror Movies, Baking, Crochet, Drawing, Writing, Hula-Hooping, most music except country, close friends, other people with my name, Obama, Cats, Cows (not in that order)



Viewing 10 of 15 comments.


Report | 01/08/2009 4:21 pm


I'M IN YOUR INTERESTS!! 8D *gets excited for some reason*
ALSO I first typed "your internests" by accident! What the HELL are those and why do YOU have them TELL ME.
/lots of caffeine hitting suddenly and filtering through fingers onto the intarweb

Report | 01/07/2009 10:55 am


Hooray! XD
I like how there's a tentacle coming out of the kid's head. Classy.

Report | 01/05/2009 8:33 pm


How did I know you'd eventually get The Experiment? XD

Report | 12/16/2008 11:44 am


No, I'm trying to make new friends. But Its going to be hard with only using the work computer. I not aloud to use the computer at home. XP

Report | 12/13/2008 6:20 pm


Ha ha ha ha! I posted a comment! Tee he he he

Report | 12/09/2008 6:33 pm


Thank you, I like your fancy tuxedo-man.

Report | 12/03/2008 5:48 pm


I have a random question. Do you have a blind spot?

Report | 11/30/2008 8:45 pm


The reason is sound, since somehow scammers managed to change the coding WITHIN the trade so the items looked like expensive ones but were actually cheap ones. I swear, if these people would put as much effort into a job as they do stealing pixels...
Check Celebrity Date, or search for Sentry. There are quite a few to choose from, but I only have the one right now ^^; I've heard about the gold thing, the best thing to do is ask about it in forums or look around and see if there's a glitch-reporting thread (there should be.)
Now you know why I once had such a hard time yanking myself out of this place D:

Report | 11/30/2008 7:18 pm


How's your Gaia experience been so far? There are some catches in the gears right now so some things aren't working properly, but all in all this is a great place. The cinema has a bunch of old funny educational films you can watch, they're pretty hilarious.
Somehow I knew you'd get that tentacle set. I just knew. I would lend you my Celebrity Date so you could be harassing someone, but trades are disabled thanks to this really elaborate scam that's been going around >_>
Word Salad Jazzmatron

Report | 11/30/2008 12:47 pm

Word Salad Jazzmatron

go to tektek.org, they have pretty much everything there including profile themes.