
Hi, I love purple! I also collect snowmen, read books and watch movies. And my new crack is gaia. razz

My Dream Avi's


Viewing 9 of 9 friends


what the hell am i doing


i am too old to play this game


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Angles and Dangles

Report | 08/21/2009 11:05 am

Angles and Dangles

please just trash it then.
Angles and Dangles

Report | 08/21/2009 12:25 am

Angles and Dangles

I was never extreemly close to my aunt, but she ws very important to me. I used to love having conversations with her because she almost mirrored my personality. My first christmas video included her instigating an intese intellectual argument about wether or not alluminum was a heavy metal. She had everyone convinced that it was a light metal until someone looked it up and saw that it was a heavy metal.
When I was in fifth grade, she asked me if I would be her brides maid. I got to help her dress up and prepare for her wedding. I was standing up there at the alter with her when my uncle became my uncle. It was such a pretty ring. I thought she would wear it forever.
Two years later, she was diagnosed with ulverian cancer. Okay, you can deal with that, they just won't have kids. she handled it so well, at least in front of other people. She had a few normal wigs for when she lost her hair, but she would also wear psycadelic rainbow wigs or other brightly colored head pieces.
The day after christmas,
My grandpa called. She ws going to die that night. My dad called several different airlines for so long to find the earliest flight to florida to see his baby sister again. He didn't make it. She died as the plane landed. I have never seen my dad cry before.
A few months later, we saw her will. She left me her jewlery including her wedding ring. I wondered why she didn't leave that to my uncle, but what man ever wants to be returned the ring once it was given?
Now this was something wrong at the genetic level. Nothing she did personally caused this to happen. This wasn't her fault. but the teenages raised knowing the dangers, who knowingly put people who they know and love through this, for the sake of a better tan, or the pleasure of a cigarette...

please do me a favor, and trash that cigarette. it doesn't need to be there.
Muun Laydee

Report | 07/15/2009 5:34 pm

Muun Laydee

You're welcome. 3nodding

Report | 07/11/2009 9:47 pm


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Muun Laydee

Report | 07/07/2009 6:21 pm

Muun Laydee

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Report | 06/30/2009 6:25 pm


Thank You for purchasing.
eating the rude

Report | 06/04/2009 3:30 pm

eating the rude

53/13 thanks for the booty!
Hollow Valley Dweller

Report | 05/22/2009 5:10 am

Hollow Valley Dweller

Thanks for purchasing.
Cute Profile.

Report | 04/15/2009 8:03 pm


Oh nice
I'm all about Horror movies even thought I get alot of nightmares lol
But what can I can I can't say no to a good horror flick.

Report | 04/15/2009 7:58 pm


Nice to met ya
What kind of movies do you like?


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