
I'm Manda (In RL.) I am an old Gaia girl since 03 and I still love it to this day, even though I hardly come on it now.

I love to watch freaky movies like, final Destination, Silent Hill. Resedent Evil and so forth, but I love to watch the old Japanese movies as well as the manga. I am now into the japanese horror, and some new anime.

A little about me:
Name: Manda
Gaia name: Dragoon_Arcadia.
Age: 22
Sex: Female (That's right not male!)
Location: England, London.
PC of Choice: My computer in my room.
OS: Windows Vista.
Media player: Windows media player.
Music: J-Rock, Metal, Rock, Indi, Emo, Soundtracks, Ska and anything else I can find as long as it's not rap. (But some rap is good.)

Random stuff:
Hmm what to put here? I am a gamer girl, and no I am not going to be called a chick! I am not a bird with feathers. And no I don't play the Sims or anything like that because I hate that kind of game, give me Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Dragonball Z, Zelda, Alundra and anything like that any day of the week and I will love you forever.

I hate the fact that people think that girls don't do anything apart from do their hair and think about boys and clothes all the time. But I suppose I am different I actually have a brain! (Sometimes.)

As I said before I live in the UK, which is so annoying sometimes, well when you live in London anyway, there is nothing to do really, apart from watch movies and hang around with friends and such.

Used to be an internet freak now hardly go on it as I have other things to do with my life, I have just started to get back into games.

I am now an aspiring Cosplayer, I have cosplayed L from Deathnote and Sheena from tales of symphonia in the Oct 08 MCM Expo and the May 09 MCM Expo I work in a resaurant 5 days a week, 20 hours a week. Part time. .

Old Stuff:
I was at college for three years doing care and IT and it don't go so well. The IT was great, but the care went to pit near the end. And I might go back to do some classes again if I can get the savvy lol.


Viewing 12 of 55 friends


~*Fallen Innocence*~

What I want to write about college, life, Gaia and all the other stuff. Important dates to be remembered and such like.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 08/08/2010 9:54 am



DOHH.. how's you doing?

Report | 05/29/2009 3:11 pm


Please join this guild of Romance and Love. Once a very famous guild. Only Join if you will roleplay, and chat, or just seeking advice.

There is no fee!

Romance for Love and LifeBack to Guilds
This guild is for Roleplaying and seeking love advice or seeking a relationship. Come in my dears and have a good time.

Tags: Roleplaying, Romance, Yuri, Yaoi

if you join, please message me!
Senketsu Matoi

Report | 05/04/2009 12:45 pm

Senketsu Matoi

Yeah I'm good. How've you been it really has been a long time. What have you been up to?
Senketsu Matoi

Report | 05/03/2009 12:14 pm

Senketsu Matoi


Report | 10/23/2008 1:02 pm


thanks for the add, hope we can be good friends nice to also meet another fantasy writer User Image

Report | 10/20/2008 2:58 pm


Like your avi
XxKiba KH2xX

Report | 04/05/2008 6:51 pm

XxKiba KH2xX

thx for buyin
Senketsu Matoi

Report | 03/02/2008 5:35 am

Senketsu Matoi

Whats up yo.

Report | 08/14/2007 1:15 pm


I got your guild invite and apologize for not accepting as soon as I got it. If you could, please resend. Thanks, and Good luck to you.
Forbidden Zone

Report | 07/22/2007 1:06 pm

Forbidden Zone

Body modification is THE BOMB!!! I love it sooo much.

Tattoos, brandings, piercings... it's all good.

Do you only like piercings, or...?


Cosplaying Alicia from Valkryie Profile 2 MCM Expo May 2010[/color:e6bc600070]