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o0O-CheleAngel-O0o's avatar

Report | 08/29/2010 8:32 am


oh.... sweatdrop welll.... thanks and um... im a bit disappointed lol ... getting flirtations is fun... well i would know... but not recently T . T but um... anywho... i finished what i need to finish... but um... i need to print stuff for chem but he didn't have the documents needed (or what he said on friday) online yet... so im gonna check now... but i am up early a bit because I am going laser tagging~ whoo~ haven't gone in like 2 years but that doesn't mean I suck... I ranked #2 out of my group (color) for points when i played last time so we'll see LOL ... I love the tension and running around... or hiding... and sneaking up on unsuspecting players!! ninja lol well off to go see chem website but will probably be online till 10:30 here... cuz im getting picked up around 11 so i just wanted to be fully prepared by then... so yeah...
Jisunee's avatar

Report | 08/28/2010 9:55 pm


thank u i seem old tho TT TT
o0O-CheleAngel-O0o's avatar

Report | 08/28/2010 10:25 am


yaaa same i don't get enough sleep on thursday (well going to be every thursdays ) but it's because of the weekly vocab test compiled with Parts of Speech, and others on Friday... so yeah... but i had latin yesterday too so augh!!!

ha seems like someone is kind of pop~pular with the guys lol XD
what will your dad say lol or your mom... well at least my mom is still, "why don't you have a boyfriend?" or "Do you have a boyfriend?" *smirk* ....
and I'm all
To 1st saying... : o . o " (inside thought: i know right???? / stop pushing it!! i don't understand either!! / *sad* i don't know... ) lol
To 2nd saying... : =.= NO... *creeps out by her facial expression so then i smile* and then she says "OH YOU DO~" and im like NO! -.-

sigh parents...
but my mom did come up with a conclusion for her first phrase...
Solution 1: The guys think of you as their girlfriend/wish that i was/ or at least girlfriend material.... and they don't do anything because of Solution 2

or simply because...

Solution 2: I have too much of high standards and/or they are afraid...

lol moms... love her and hate her at the same time.... -.-"

augh .... rofl
Kiku Drives A Honda's avatar

Report | 08/28/2010 6:07 am

Kiku Drives A Honda

ll~Shieru Fantomhaivu~ll

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~[[Lol, thanks xD;;]]~

A Rook under Her Majesty.

The Epitome of Cold and Heartless

The Overseer of the British Underworld.

A Child with hair of Starless Night.
Jisunee's avatar

Report | 08/27/2010 10:04 pm


Kiku Drives A Honda's avatar

Report | 08/27/2010 7:43 pm

Kiku Drives A Honda

ll~Shieru Fantomhaivu~ll

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~[[~cliings~ Herrrooooo o wo;;]]~

A Rook under Her Majesty.

The Epitome of Cold and Heartless

The Overseer of the British Underworld.

A Child with hair of Starless Night.
o0O-CheleAngel-O0o's avatar

Report | 08/27/2010 4:50 pm


oh im sorry... well my chem teacher is kinda the same way he makes us print stuff off from his website but he never EVER puts what due on his website which pisses me off because he puts scanned documents that are needed to print but nothing more T.T
i don't get it....
but at least you've started getting familiar with the students there... smile
o0O-CheleAngel-O0o's avatar

Report | 08/24/2010 9:12 pm


Oh i'll make sure to tell him that : ) and see things did get better... but um... i had english test on the second day so i wouldn' t blame her really but in a language class? that's suprising... well at least someone had an eye on you lol maybe possible candidate? huh huh? (lol tee hee) obviously i know you were new and all so you would stand out, but um... maybe in a good way, you never know... at least im sure that was how it was when i started at cocopah ... i turned a lot of heads on the first day... of school... like litterally my mom and my grandparents came... that's how bad it was lol T.T but um... yeah i saw kids turn their heads because they've never seen me... so they would also not talk to me... and what not but ... at least you got a person you might get to know with, plus it's a guy so that's another plus lol !! but be careful, guys are guys so i am going to have my bestie posh buddy radar on you and will be cautious of you... (lol ive done the same with my cali friend, she'll be like so theres this guy and im like NO~ not again!! and i interrogate her about him... so if you want advice, feel free lol i will background check this guy for you lol) no seriously i will ( not police file check up but ask questions that would indicate what kind of person he is... or it could also be a she too lol) i wouldn't want my closest friends to feel victimize or bullied by all those idiots out there... hhmph!
Kiku Drives A Honda's avatar

Report | 08/24/2010 8:49 pm

Kiku Drives A Honda

ll~Shieru Fantomhaivu~ll

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~[[Speaking of which, I'm hungry BX;;]]~

A Rook under Her Majesty.

The Epitome of Cold and Heartless

The Overseer of the British Underworld.

A Child with hair of Starless Night.
Kiku Drives A Honda's avatar

Report | 08/24/2010 8:44 pm

Kiku Drives A Honda

ll~Shieru Fantomhaivu~ll

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[[Ah, don't be :/ Virtual items don't bring true happiness.]]~

A Rook under Her Majesty.

The Epitome of Cold and Heartless

The Overseer of the British Underworld.

A Child with hair of Starless Night.
Kiku Drives A Honda's avatar

Report | 08/24/2010 7:52 pm

Kiku Drives A Honda

ll~Shieru Fantomhaivu~ll

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~[[Lol, I envy you for that xD;;]]~

A Rook under Her Majesty.

The Epitome of Cold and Heartless

The Overseer of the British Underworld.

A Child with hair of Starless Night.
This is America's avatar

Report | 08/24/2010 6:50 pm

This is America

-Oh im not on cuz i just left it >< but idk why shes not on she dident tell me why ><-
This is America's avatar

Report | 08/24/2010 6:45 pm

This is America

-Hi ya Roise~-
Kiku Drives A Honda's avatar

Report | 08/24/2010 6:53 am

Kiku Drives A Honda

[align=center][b][color=#3676f7]l[/color][color=#3672f3]l[/color][color=#356eee]~[/color][color=#356bea]S[/color][color=#3567e6]h[/color][color=#3463e1]i[/color][color=#345fdd]e[/color][color=#345bd8]r[/color][color=#3357d4]u[/color] [color=#3350cb]F[/color][color=#324cc7]a[/color][color=#3248c3]n[/color][color=#3244be]t[/color][color=#3140ba]o[/color][color=#313db5]m[/color][color=#3139b1]h[/color][color=#3035ad]a[/color][color=#3031a8]i[/color][color=#302da4]v[/color][color=#2f29a0]u[/color][color=#2f269b]~[/color][color=#2f2297]l[/color][color=#2e1e92]l[/color][/b][/align]

[align=center][b]~[[Uwahh D: ~hugs~ It's okay, not the end of the world. I'm sure you could make a bang and make new friends in the blink of an eye. It's really hard for me because I'm not a people person. But whenever I find myself engaging in [strike]unwanted[/strike] conversation, I always find it helpful to ask questions and to keep dishing them out. C: That way you take a lot of pressure off of your own shoulders. And make the most out of any situation. If someone collides with you in the hall, take that opportuniy to say hello and get to know the other person.
See, I used to have the same view of my school believe it or not. I used to think everyone in that school was a stuck-up snob and that they weren't good enough for my to make an acquaintanceship with. But after awhile, I decided to give them a chance and I've come to realize that I was totally wrong. You should give your school a chance. You can meet some really great people that would've otherwise remained obscured. &lt;33 Since you're new, it should be easy. I waited two whole years before deciding to open up. It's a real pain in the a** kind of challenge for me right now, because everyone has this image of me as the aloof, stuck-up loner. Don't let that happen to you, mmk? You've been given a fresh start. Use that to your advantage.]]~[/b][/align]
[align=center][b][color=#3676f7]A[/color] [color=#356fef]R[/color][color=#356bea]o[/color][color=#3567e6]o[/color][color=#3464e2]k[/color] [color=#345cda]u[/color][color=#3359d5]n[/color][color=#3355d1]d[/color][color=#3351cd]e[/color][color=#324ec9]r[/color] [color=#3246c0]H[/color][color=#3242bc]e[/color][color=#313fb8]r[/color] [color=#3137b0]M[/color][color=#3034ab]a[/color][color=#3030a7]j[/color][color=#302ca3]e[/color][color=#2f299f]s[/color][color=#2f259b]t[/color][color=#2f2196]y[/color][color=#2e1e92].[/color][/b][/align]
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o0O-CheleAngel-O0o's avatar

Report | 08/23/2010 10:57 pm


yesh i love you too in the posh buddy way lol XD and good luck on your second day~ and I hope for the best for you and lol i love relating my life with songs... makes my life much interesting lol ....
and i thought it was cute how you said "just dance" my way with school... lol i would say if i am going to relate a song with my life now..................... from a mother monster song........ it would probably be... Bad Romance.... because with all the outcast kind of feeling i could definitely relate the part, "I want your love, (not so much this second phrase but after that) and i want your revenge, I want your love, I DON'T WANNA BE FRIENDS... " cuz technically i want them to like me for who i am and not to just be friends with me as in acquaintences....
lol "i want you love, LOVE LOVE LOVE, I want your love... "
or "I Like It Rough" like the same kind a theme... i grew up knowing so much reality or experiences... so i don't like or enjoy the 'picturesque' life or people who wouldn't really understand the reality of everything.... so I rather go through the hard way rather than taking the easy way because i know there is no such thing...
o0O-CheleAngel-O0o's avatar

Report | 08/23/2010 9:09 pm


aww i totally understand about the college part but um... how's your brother liking school today? and plus it's only the first day... so you never know something might change... but moving is always tough i know... like the decision i chose to go to cocopah instead of mohave where all the people i knew from elementary school went... i hated cocopah because i was alone... for like a week at lunch and everything... and didn't really find friends till like the second week... it technically gets better... but it's never the same.. sometimes i do regret my decision but if i didn't i wouldn't have met you.... or had the great teachers available... so i'll cross my fingers for you for your second day... and i'll always be waiting with open arms if you are ever coming back to chaparral smile
o0O-CheleAngel-O0o's avatar

Report | 08/23/2010 8:31 pm


aww i mish you posh buddy~ and i totally understand those asian kids/people they may be nice to you on the first couple of weeks, but they tend to only stick with their "cliques" and they don't really invite you or anything they just kinda ignore you completely because you're "different" (well that was the case for me when i went to japanese school) they are nice but they won't hang out unless their parents know you or your parents kinda thing... it's kind of idiotic... plus they are always so compact and they do litterally EVERYTHING together... it's fricking annoying... believe me i know... <.< that's why i don't like being in either japan or america because either way i don't belong anywhere... lol im multicultured, multiraced, which my mom says im very special and i know everyone one's unique and i know my mom says that to try to make me feel better but im like mom your "very special" to me means that im "very different" ... T.T i think that big avoidance in everyone and not able to relate to anyone kind of was the reason i did kinda relate to gaga not for being gay/bi/les but for being so different you didn't fit in cultrally/racially in either countries... T.T
StormKing Rei's avatar

Report | 08/23/2010 8:24 pm

StormKing Rei

dat happened to me on my first day last year dont worry it'll get better 3nodding
StormKing Rei's avatar

Report | 08/23/2010 8:19 pm

StormKing Rei

How school so far i still got a week till i have to go
o0O-CheleAngel-O0o's avatar

Report | 08/23/2010 8:19 pm


lol thanks i'm gonna do that avi then XD by popular demand... and aww~ I wish you were at Chaparral too.... T.T and wait there are asians in texas? I'd never imagined that... well not that im saying there aren't any but like a reasonable amount of asian groups? That is the most suprising thing i've heard!! Like I know in Cali but Texas? but um... and yeah high school buildings differentiated by color.... hmmm... sounds pre-k stuff to me -.-" is the people there like not smart or something? (sorry no offense) but COLOR??? augh you should so come back to chap, we all miss you!! and homecomming would just not be the same without you -.- who am i suppose to party it up when a gaga song comes on... T.T or have fun and crazy with our alter egos on the dancefloor.... T.T no one could compare to you or replace you.... i wish you were here... T.T we would have probably had lunch together though... i mean everyone i know are in 4th lunch so... (even the peeps in 5th hr lunch last year... )
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