hello. i am ashley, 22, i live in Canada. And honestly my life is a lot of fun. My greatest passion in life is hula hooping! Well, hoop dance more specifically. I own my own company called Hoop Troop, and we teach a variety of classes that are hoop oriented, and we do professional performances as well! I work part-time in the service industry to help make ends meet! I have a lot of friends which I like to surround myself with and I enjoy dancing, bike rides, being outdoors in general, reading and much much more!
I have been a Gaia user since '06 I believe... and although I don't spend much time here nowadays, I always enjoy coming back to see what's happening!
peace and love!
my name is ashley.
Gaian Since 'O6
Infrequent these days at best.
“Therefore, it is necessary to be a fox to discover the snares and a lion to terrify the wolves”
- [i:c789ea0a0f]Niccolò Machiavelli[/i:c789ea0a0f][/size:c789ea0a0f][/align:c789ea0a0f][/color:c789ea0a0f]
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