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Pleased to make your acquaintance.

I enjoy long walks after dark, reading gory novels, and pretending to be a ZOMBIE. I am far from being ordinary, but I sure am lovable :3 I snort when I laugh, and I fart when I sneeze. Or, at least, I snort when I laugh. ^___^ My least favorite person in the whole entire world is Cyara, aka iLegit Pro. She's just an... undesirable. Intelligible conversations and proper grammar are a must for me. I'm literate, though I may not always show it. I yell a lot, and I spend most of my days with the love of my life: Kyle. He may not know it, but him and I are going to be married some day, with 3 children, all of whom are going to be named something along the lines of Thaddeus, or maybe Xavier. O___o I got a boyfriend named Tyler. He's quite the looker, if I do say so myself. ;D I like video games, especially Left4Dead (even though I may not be as pro at it as Cyara is.) and Spyro, which I'm beast at. I play the trumbiddlione, aka the trombone, like a cool kid, and I really dislike onions. To sum this whole thing up, I am Emily, and I love my life and the people in it. :3

-This was all written by Cyara, the coolest kid to ever hit this side of town.




That's what you get for being an overachiever.