name: Kat
day of birth: Dec. 30
age: 22
place of residence: Phoenix, Arizona
orientation: bisexual
status: engaged
color of hair: brown/red
color of eyes: green
piercings: ears
drug: none
addiction: my family, friends, and school
hobbies: reading, writing, typing
ring size: 7-9
shoe size: 7-9
most craved substance: Strawberries
religion: Asatru
instrument of choice: violin
best time of day: night
number of good memories: When I had my boys. The world just stopped for a second and I couldn't believe I had them.
best smell: rain and my boys after a bath.
favorite accessory: my necklace and ring
afraid of: clowns and losing those I love more than anything.
coolest object owned: A faerie that my friend Jj got me.
current pets: 2 cats
dislikes most: liars, cheats, betrayal
allergic to: nothing
amused by: life and the people in it
coolest eating utensil: spork
magical mystical mystery meat: spam. it is gross.
obsession: internet, books, my man.
extracurricular activities: college
Death's Embrace
I write alot of poetry and some short stories, but mainly I just wrtie about how I feel or what's gone on during the day.
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